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Decal on metal surfaces?

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  • Decal on metal surfaces?


    could the decal system so improved please that Rhino decals can be placed on metal materials too?

    -Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Here an example. I suppose so, decals mixed into metal are never needed. It could be useful to keep a plastic look for the decal. Maybe IOR 1.55 and glossiness of the base material is good for the most cases.

    PS: The last days first time I used decals and I like the workflow. Thank you for adding it. ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Hi Micha,

      Right now the decals only affect the diffuse portion of the material as they also do in Rhino.
      We can make them work any way we like but in order to let the user decide we have to show them somehow in the asset editor.
      The problem with that is decals are assigned to objects in Rhino and not materials.
      So there is a user workflow design needed.

      We'll do our best to improve the workflow and make it more flexible.

      Thanks for bringing my attention back on this.


      • #4

        I checked the decal workflow today and I'm not happy if I use glass or metals or metallic paints. So, I would like to discuss new ways. At the real world I can buy stickers and place them where I want and it are always plastic labels.
        So, could we not get a global decal option, for example at the "Configuration" section of the global options and define a basic look for decals? I would like to choose between "use material" (current behavior) and "plastic" with a basic reflection control (glossiness/intensity).

        Even better would be a material attribute "decal" where the user could control some basic parameter like diffuse multiplier, glossiness and intensity. So, different kind of decals could be placed within a scene. But I suppose so a global option would be fine for 99% of the use.

        (Funny, I have seen now that we talk about decals exactly one year before. )

        Best regards,
        Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

