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Little test: bump + displacement + round edge

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  • Little test: bump + displacement + round edge

    ... I'm happy to see all this working together. It's rendered in GPU mode and 2D displacement is used. The edge texture also works for displaced geometry. Great, thank you.

    left side edge bump and right without edge bump texture
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_61394.jpg
Views:	190
Size:	794.1 KB
ID:	1094259 ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Nice! Can you please explain the correct workflow ? I'm true to use the displacement slot but you use two times the bump slot. Did you just put a bitmap in the bump map ? And what version do you use ? I 'm using vray next.
    Thanks for explaining it to my. Seeing a lot of tutorials on the internet , but not for rhino .


    • #3
      I used VfR5. This version added a bump channel at the VRay Mtl layer and so we can use two bumps within a single material. In the past you need to use a Bump material where you added the metal material as base material. Here the displacement is added as geometry modifier applied to the object. The advantage is that you can use different materials at the same object with a constant displacement over all materials. ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Thanks for the explanation !

