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How to get a random placement?

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  • How to get a random placement?


    I tried to get a random placement of the diffuse texture at this railway sleepers (mesh objects) but I don't get it running. Any ideas what could be wrong? I enabled all "By .." and hoped to see an effect ... .

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 12-03-20 at 02.05 PM.JPG
Views:	592
Size:	636.4 KB
ID:	1094355 ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2

    The mode you have to use depends on whether the sleepers are individual objects of one combined mesh.
    If they are individual objects, then the Render ID should do the job
    If they are all one single mesh then By Mesh Element should be used.

    I'd also recommend you set all the step values to 0.

    If you share a simplified version of the scene I'll take a look and tell you what exactly is wrong.



    • #3
      Hi konstantin_chaos,

      I found a stupid mistake by me now, the V-Ray material wasn't assigned and a Rhino material was active. I adjusted the material like you said, assign it and it works. Thank you for your advice.

      An other question for randomizing. I have a grey concrete and would like to randomize the brightness. Can it be that there is no option for this?

      OK, I tried the gamma variation instead and I wonder that it is so sensitive. Attached an example - this time I used the CPU mode and added a light color to the concrete. I get such a strong randomizing by value 0.02. Looks like it's to sensitive.

      Attached Files ... visualization for designer and architects

