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Clipping a Vray Proxy Scene

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  • Clipping a Vray Proxy Scene

    Is it possible to clip a Vray Proxy Scene or Proxy Object? I am trying, but not sure if I am doing something wrong, or its simply not possible.

    The reason: I want to hide certain parts of a proxy scene. Since we have Evermotion scenes we bought for 3DS but would like to use them in Rhino, its actually easiest to just export them as a proxy scene so all the materials, lights, etc are there. But of course you can't change anything about a proxy scene.

    I mean the real wish would be for Proxy Scenes to expose their children and let us turn them on or off like layers. But for now just being able to clip a Proxy Scene would be sufficient.

  • #2
    Hi seltzdesign

    It should be possible to achieve that, yes. You can use either a Clipper Plane or convert an object to a Mesh Clipper.

    I've recorded a short video demonstration for you to check:
    Keep in mind that V-Ray Clipper works best with "closed" objects. The results on open objects (without a corresponding back face) are not well defined.

    To read more about VRayClipper, please visit:

    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Hello nikoleta.garkova

      Thanks for the instructions. I followed them and added a cube to the scene which I converted to a clipper object. If I render the scene I see the cube in white in the scene:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	clipper_cube.jpg
Views:	391
Size:	858.8 KB
ID:	1102668

      Here you can see the setup of the scene:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	clipper.jpg
Views:	419
Size:	314.1 KB
ID:	1102669

      The entire scene is a .vrscene file. I add a cube, place it and convert it to a clipper object. There is no duplicate of the cube. Why is it not clipping the cup or maybe it is, but its still rendering the cube. Shouldn't a clipper object by default not render at all?

      Please advise.

      I am using:

      V-Ray for Rhinoceros 6 5.00.02

      Build: 02 Hash: dd8e41a12 Date: Dec 14 2020

      V-Ray NeUI Version: 4.0.2 Build: 173621 Hash: dd2fa4edc Date: Dec 14 2020

      V-Ray Core Version: 5.00.50

      V-Ray AppSDK Version: 2.91.00


      • #4
        nikoleta.garkova Just another general question: Isn't there a better way to EDIT a vrscene file? Is that even possible?

        In Rhino you can explode a vrscene and then you have separate proxy meshes, but when you render there is no output at all, so that doesn't seem to work. That would of course be the best possible workflow: import vrscene file > explode file > you now have all its contents as proxy meshes and proper lights and so on.

        Right now it appears like once you have a vrscene file there is no way at all to alter anything about it other than turning off the lights.

        I prefer how for example Octane has a native file format, but also has a standalone editor. Why doesn't Vray have that? Was it ever planned?
        Last edited by seltzdesign; 15-02-2021, 03:27 AM.


        • #5
          Hi seltzdesign

          You are correct, the clipper object shouldn't be rendering at all. Would it be possible to forward a sample of that project through our contact form so I can test it? Does it persist if you stop the Interactive render and start it over again?
          Nikoleta Garkova |


          • #6
            Originally posted by nikoleta.garkova View Post
            Hi seltzdesign

            You are correct, the clipper object shouldn't be rendering at all. Would it be possible to forward a sample of that project through our contact form so I can test it? Does it persist if you stop the Interactive render and start it over again?
            Yes it does. I just noticed though that it works correctly if I use the CPU interactive renderer. When I switch to CUDA the cube is visible. Unfortunately the CPU renderer is even slower than even CUDA is (even though I have a GTX1080Ti). Here are some renders of the scene using the different kernels:

            Cuda Interactive (cube shows):

            Click image for larger version

Name:	vray_clipper_interactive_cuda_proc.jpg
Views:	338
Size:	478.9 KB
ID:	1103132

            CPU Interactive (cube doesn't show):

            Click image for larger version

Name:	vray_clipper_interactive_cpu_proc.jpg
Views:	320
Size:	411.9 KB
ID:	1103133

            Cuda Production (cube shows in rendering, but not in that first pass for lighting):

            Click image for larger version

Name:	vray_clipper_production_cuda_proc.jpg
Views:	320
Size:	405.9 KB
ID:	1103134

            CPU production (cube doesn't show):

            Click image for larger version

Name:	vray_clipper_production_cpu_proc.jpg
Views:	317
Size:	361.7 KB
ID:	1103135

            I will send you the scene using the contact form.


            • #7
              Originally posted by seltzdesign View Post
              Is it possible to clip a Vray Proxy Scene or Proxy Object? ..I mean the real wish would be for Proxy Scenes to expose their children and let us turn them on or off like layers.
              Sounds like a reasonable request and could be very useful.


     ... visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Hi seltzdesign,

                Thank you for clarifying you're on CUDA - sorry to say that Mesh Clipper is not yet supported on V-Ray GPU;
                for a full list of GPU supported features, please visit:

                That being said, you can still use a Clipper plane.
                Nikoleta Garkova |


                • #9
                  Could be useful if the clipper plane could be used in include mode for specific objects from a vrscene only. I use the clipper planes often to hide only preselected objects from a scene and it works perfect in GPU mode. So, the GPU support wouldn't be the limit. I could imagine that the user can select the vrscene objects from a list UI.
         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #10
                    Hi guys,

                    The is actually a way for parts of the vrscene reference to be hidden but you have to know the 'plugin' names that you want to hide - the ones that are listed in the text file.
                    If that works for you we can consider exposing a way for this to be done in the UI.

                    Also keep in mind we plan to add another type of vrscene import in the future - one that imports a fully editable scene.
                    It is not at all a trivial task but is something we've been working towards lately.


