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Dirt missing option

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  • Dirt missing option

    Can we add the Radius and the Glossiness on the Multiplier option for Dirt.
    Today I needed to reduce the effect of the map I'm using in the radiusClick image for larger version  Name:	2021-03-11_18-10-47.jpg Views:	0 Size:	29.5 KB ID:	1106988​​​​​less drastic transition between my map and the radius and it is not possible due to the missing options

  • #2
    I am not sure I understand you correctly, can you please clarify what you mean by missing options - are you referring to an older V-Ray version? As far as I can see in V-Ray Next and V-Ray 3.6 the options under Multipliers are the same as in V-Ray 5. Radius and Glossiness can be found if you scroll a bit up, right at the beginning - see screenshot:

    To read more about the Dirt texture, please visit:
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Glossiness and Radius have the ability to use a map on them, but inside the Multiplier option, I could not blend them, because the option is not there as in 3ds Max. I needed to blend the Map with the Radius to make the effect of the texture more subtle and found no way to do it. Because we only have Unnocluded and Occluded color. You guys should add the Radius and the Glossiness inside the Multiplier area.

