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How to disable clipping of selected objects (clipping plane)?

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  • How to disable clipping of selected objects (clipping plane)?


    last I rendered some objects clipped by a Rhino clipping plane (_ClippingPlane). I found no way to reset the selected objects (which was be clipped before) to get all scene objects clipped. How can it be done?

    (If I look for "clipping" at the Help pages than I can't found the Rhino clipping plane Vray options explained. Did I oversee the entry or is there no entry?)

    -Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Hi Micha,

    Can you please provide some screenshots/recordings demonstrating the ClippingPlane issue? As far as I understand, selecting the Clipping Plane from the Asset Editor and disabling it doesn't work if it was applied to an object beforehand, can you please confirm? What if you select the clipper and delete it?
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Hi nikoleta.garkova,

      I can use a clipping plane in "include" mode and select object which should be clipped only. That's fine. I can render a scene and only the selected objects are clipped. But how to remove the clipping for the selected objects? A "Clear" button is missed, which reset the selection.

      (But I got an idea today - I can pick all objects of the scene and it works like the exclusive selection is removed.)

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 06-14-21 at 06.37 PM.JPG
Views:	3010
Size:	42.9 KB
ID:	1116630 ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        It is in fact the other way round. Since "exclude" is the actual property and "include" is a derivation, you select "Exclude" mode and select nothing. This will reset the exclusion list


        • #5
          Interesting, I suppose so a selection of "exclude" objects will be reset by switch to "include" and select an object. A more intuitive way would be nice.
 ... visualization for designer and architects

