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New SSS (Wax) and Volumetric (Water) mode are great

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  • New SSS (Wax) and Volumetric (Water) mode are great

    Hi Kotse,
    The new SSS and Volumetric mode is super cool, but can we refine the UI to work like 3ds Max? I found the current UI super confusing and we do not have documentation about it either.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	SSS_Mode.jpg
Views:	498
Size:	512.4 KB
ID:	1124330
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Well... jajajajaja Is not ready for vray for rhyno, i use vray for sketchup and we are waiting too for these new materials, is only available for maya and 3d max, thats why You didnt find any kind of information about the new sss materials, your are going to wait a Lot more, right now update 2 is coming for 3d max, so is in developing and probably for sketchup too


    • #3
      That render was in V-Ray for Rhino. The mode is already there,
      Click image for larger version  Name:	Volumetric (Water)Mode.jpg Views:	0 Size:	48.3 KB ID:	1124466
      Click image for larger version  Name:	sss.png Views:	0 Size:	149.0 KB ID:	1124465
      Last edited by javierrentas; 09-09-2021, 02:04 PM.


      • #4
        Well thats amazing, we don't have this option in vray for sketchup yet, and we are in the same update that rhyno vray 5 update 1.5


        • #5
          Seem that it is half implemented in V-Ray for Rhino, because the UI is not correct, according to the UI in 3ds Max.
          However, you could create some very cool materials and they are pretty fast to render


          • #6
            I think probably was half implemented as You said, i'm installing the latest uddate 1.5, i hope we got half implemented as vray for rhyno too


            • #7
              Hi guys,

              javierrentas, thanks for the feedback, I've forwarded this to the dev team. If you do have any improvement suggestions, do let us know as well.

              we don't have this option in vray for sketchup yet, and we are in the same update that rhyno vray 5 update 1.5
              luisgamino2, this is available in both V-Ray 5 for Rhino and SketchUp (create a Material > Refraction settings > Switch to Advanced Settings > enable Fog Scattering. Both the new SSS and Volumetric Fog scattering modes are present).

              Our docs page should be soon updated with description and examples, we will let you know when this happens.

              Other than that, do share if you find anything missing and have additional feedback on the matter - we'll be happy to hear it.
              Nikoleta Garkova |


              • #8
                Hi Nikoleta Garkova

                I already installed update 1.5 the latest update and new Wax and volumétrics materials are working for vray sketchup cpu in genéric material , i hope we can see later this options for vray gpu, i tried a new sss material and i didnt find these new options in sss material in the scatter option



                • #9

                  To add an update - you will see a fully-functional yet simplified set of options within the next release updates. Stay tuned - you'll be notified.
                  Nikoleta Garkova |


                  • #10
                    This is amazing Nikoleta Garkova!!! we Will wait for that release, thanks


                    • #11
                      Hi guys,

                      The new Translucency modes are now available in Update 2 for both Rhino and SketchUp.
                      The old modes are considered legacy and are hidden.
                      We were actually waiting for GPU support for the new modes before we include them in an update.

                      Note that there seems to be an interactive rendering issue which requires you to restart the interactive process after the Translucency mode is changed.
                      This is something we'll address soon.


