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Render in Background... Grasshopper Animation switches back to Frame Buffer for every frame.

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  • Render in Background... Grasshopper Animation switches back to Frame Buffer for every frame.


    I'm rendering a bunch of frames for an animation using the Render in Project grasshopper component. I would like to continue to work while the animation is rendering, either in the same Rhino project, another Rhino file, or another app, but between each frame, the Application will switch back to the new render Frame. Is there any way to turn this off, so I can turn my productivity up to 11?


  • #2

    Thank you for reporting this!
    This issue has been logged in our internal system(ref. Num. VRW-3013).
    As a workaround please use the Standalone renderer until this gets fixed.
    To use the V-Ray standalone you will need to first export your animation from Gh as a .vrscene file. For this use the V-Ray Exporter component.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Example.png
Views:	190
Size:	61.6 KB
ID:	1127925
    Note that you have to define the Output file first otherwise the export options will be grayed out.
    After that go to C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Rhinoceros\vrayappsdk\bin and type in the path bar cmd. This will open the command line in this folder. After that type “vray -scenefile=” and drag and drop the previously exported .vrscene file. Hit enter and the animation will start to render.
    Please see:
    For more commands with V-Ray Standalone please see:
    Attached Files

