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V-Ray Light Gen Confusion

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  • V-Ray Light Gen Confusion

    My understanding is that if I wish to use my own .hdr, or .exr files for the generation of an exterior lightset, I should be able to check to box for "use custom HDR set" and specify a path to the folder where those files reside. When I do that, to either my own folder of hdr's, or the one that comes with V-Ray, no files are available for selection. what am I doing wrong, or misunderstanding?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-01-14 144641.png
Views:	352
Size:	382.5 KB
ID:	1136789

  • #2

    This option allows you to select only the folder, where the textures are located - the textures themselves will not be visible, but after selecting the folder they will get loaded in the Light Gen tool. So you don't need to worry about not being able to see the textures - they will be loaded regardless.

    Just note that Light gen currently works with .exr and .hdr files only.

