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Interior Renders with only 'Artificial' lighting (no daylight HDRI from windows etc.) looking very flat!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Micha View Post
    For example here at the ceiling I used an emitter. If you disable shadows for the material, than the emitter material isn't used for lighting anymore, but a light behind can illuminate the scene. So, you can use a low intensity for the emitter and the emitter object doesn't look burned out. The light for lighting comes from behind. You can use soft gradient for the emitter textures so that it looks like light sources behind a milky glass.(Not so much used at the example here.)

    Advantages are: easy and fast to calculate and no burn out effect.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Siemens-Mobility-Mireo-Smart-interior-open-space.jpg
Views:	1034
Size:	344.5 KB
ID:	1145631
    I cannot find how to disable shadows for the emmiter material. Am I missing something?


    • #17
      You need to add the attribute "raytrace properties" to the material and there you can disable it.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 06-01-22 at 12.59 PM.JPG
Views:	120
Size:	113.9 KB
ID:	1149525 ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #18
        Thank you...I never used that attribute

