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Light Gen Lighting Scenarios missing

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  • Light Gen Lighting Scenarios missing

    Hi all,

    I have upgraded to Rhino Vray 5 recently and I was trying to get the Light Gen running. However, I couldn't locate the Lighting Scenrios (.lightset) file when I followed the instructions at:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	1132
Size:	85.3 KB
ID:	1160603

    The required files are not found in the location.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	1190
Size:	238.4 KB
ID:	1160601
    My rest of material library has the HDR and all other materials seems to be all right.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	1145
Size:	94.5 KB
ID:	1160602

    Is there somewhere i could download the .lightset files?
    Thank you in advance


  • #2
    Nevermind, i duno why but I am now able to generate variants. the button was greyed out before but now not anymore
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	1021
Size:	104.2 KB
ID:	1160605


    • #3
      Dear dennis_cheung, hello.

      Thank you for sharing that now it is working as expected.
      To avoid doubts wanted to comment the provided screenshots.

      The HDR images for IBL are saved in the following locations: \Documents\V-Ray Material Library\AEC\hdrs
      This is the default location of V-Ray Material Library. But the directory could be changed (as in your case is Z: > PSOP Knowledge & Resource > _Vray > Official Material Library > AEC > hdrs > v5.0) - that's why you are seeing them there (your 3rd screenshot).

      The required files are not found in the location.
      You have opened the location from V-Ray Light Gen > Load and as visible the wanted files there are .lightset (V-Ray Lighting Scenarios).
      This is the way to open previously saved Lighting Scenarios. But you haven't saved some, that's why it is showing as empty.
      If you start V-Ray Light Gen and generate variants, you will be able to save them as .lightset files and then load them again when you wish (via the Load button).

      The last thing - why on your second screenshot the Generate button is greyed out. One reason could be that V-Ray Interactive wasn't stopped in the very same moment.
      Contact us again if needed.

      Hope these details were helpful.

      Best regards,

      Tsvetomira Girginova |
      3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us

