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Random texture based on world location

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  • Random texture based on world location

    how can I achieve a random variation of the velvet texture for the chairs to avoid repeating the pattern (see screenshot)? I tried the different UVW placements for the texture but could not make it work. I assumed that 3D (world space) changes the texture based on the world location of the geometry but that did not work. I am looking for a workflow that allows also instancing with vrmesh (which might not be possible). In this example, I am distributing the same seat (saved as vrmesh) on a grid. As shown in the screenshot, using the same vrmesh results in a repeating pattern.

    Thanks for suggestions.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Dear sayed_majidi​, hello.

    Yes, you are able to perform instancing with .vrmesh files. Please take a look at this page and еspecially:
    V-Ray Proxy can be instanced by using the _Array command or Alt+drag the object in the Rhino viewport. This helps save memory as the .vrmesh file will be loaded only once regardless of the number of instances.
    Copying and pasting a Proxy Mesh, however, creates copies that end up loading the same file multiple times. This should be avoided.
    A Proxy Mesh within a block definition will be loaded only once regardless of the number of block instances in the project. Therefore, copying and pasting block instances is a safe alternative method to copy/pasting the Proxy Mesh objects directly.​
    You are on the right way when​ mentioning UVW Placement. Please pay attention to the Randomization tab, this is the key. In this examples I have chosen randomize by Render ID (you can add Render ID Render Element and ensure yourself that the objects have different Render ID):

    ​​ Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	453
Size:	933.7 KB
ID:	1163771
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	328
Size:	755.2 KB
ID:	1163772
    Shown here is big variety to understand the way of work, of course in your case slight differences between the armchair texture look are needed.

    Please test the possibilities and contact us back with feedback or questions.
    Waiting for your answer.

    Best regards,
    Tsvetomira Girginova |
    3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


    • #3
      Thanks tsvetomira.girginova, for your time to get back to me and explain the process. I will check this and let you know how it goes.



      • #4
        Hello tsvetomira.girginova,

        I was able to achieve the random distribution of texture based on instanced vrmesh objects. Thank you for the help. I suppose that Render ID is automatically assigned by VRay, corect? Is there a way to control Render ID as it can be done with Object ID or Material ID? It would be useful to assign randomness based on a pattern for example, that seems to be not possible at the moment.



        • #5
          Hi again sayed_majidi.

          That's why the Randomization tab is offering so many possibilities. I mentioned Render ID as a quick example to show the randomization.
          Yes, Render ID is creating masks with automatic colors for each scene object, explained also here.
          If you choose Randomization by Object ID you will have the needed control. Render Element is also available.

          Please take a look at the visual example here:
          1. Set Object ID for the assets one by one or by holding Shift & choose the wanted individual assets (Rhino Properties > V-Ray > Object Properties)
          2. By pressing Select ID you will be able to check again how the IDs are applied
          3. Choose Randomization by Object ID within the Asset Editor for the UVW Placement
          4. Render

          Share are there any other questions.
          Wishing you a wonderful week.
          Tsvetomira Girginova |
          3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


          • #6
            Thank you for the additional explanation and gif. Indeed, many ways to work with randomization. Have a good week ahead.


            • #7
              You are welcome! Enjoy your work with V-Ray.

              We are here to help if needed.
              Tsvetomira Girginova |
              3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us

