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Enmesh - what doe's the spacing Z? Plus some wishes.

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  • Enmesh - what doe's the spacing Z? Plus some wishes.


    I tested the new Enmesh feature and I'm impressed, it looks very promising. Thank you for adding it.

    I ask me for what can be used the spacing Z option? Spacing X and Y create a gap between the repeating objects, but we have no repeating objects in Z.

    And I have two wishes:

    - Could be added rotation options for x and y also? Best with randomize option.

    - Please add options to lock the current ratio between the x/y/z spacing sliders, same for the U and V tiling.

    Best regards,
    Micha ... visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    And one more wish - could a negative spacing allow to move the objects together without parts of the objects get missing?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 11-09-22 at 07.42 AM.jpg
Views:	127
Size:	190.2 KB
ID:	1164693 ... visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Here an example where I miss a negative spacing without clipping:

      spacing 0
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	120
Size:	123.1 KB
ID:	1164706

      spacing -15
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	123
Size:	143.1 KB
ID:	1164707 ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Hi Micha​,

        I ask me for what can be used the spacing Z option? Spacing X and Y create a gap between the repeating objects, but we have no repeating objects in Z.
        This is a good question : )
        There is no real reason for this parameter in the context of Rhino.
        Note that in 3ds max there is no spacing control - there you set the size of a crop box (and Z is basically the Z axis size).
        This crop box can also be translated and rotated.
        However, in Rhino we decided that we can go with the much simpler to setup spacing concept where the crop box is automatically set to the object's bounding box and then the spacing allows you to add space between the instances.
        Bottom line is - if we stick to the current UI and workflow we can remove the Z...

        - Could be added rotation options for x and y also? Best with randomize option.
        I have to think about this one but thank you for the suggestion.

        - Please add options to lock the current ratio between the x/y/z spacing sliders, same for the U and V tiling.
        This is easy to do.
        Do you want the aspect to be preserved or set to 1 when you enable the lock?

        And one more wish - could a negative spacing allow to move the objects together without parts of the objects get missing?
        I'll have to talk to the devs about this one but there is certainly a use case for it.



        • #5
          Do you want the aspect to be preserved or set to 1 when you enable the lock?
          I would like that the current aspect is preserved for a lock. It's more universal.

          I'll have to talk to the devs about this one but there is certainly a use case for it.
          My example renderings shows an useful case - I would like to connect the rings to a closed structure.
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            My example renderings shows an useful case - I would like to connect the rings to a closed structure.
            What I meant to say is that I agree with you - your example usecase makes sense.

