Tried to put a texture to plain plane (heh) and can't seem to get correct results. I can't understand - is there any mapping on NURBS settings or whatever in Rhino v.3 ? When I put simple wood texture, it got rendered in a strange way - only approx. half of it (I mean texture) rendered... So if you have 4kx3k texture, only 1k or 2k is displayed. I've read Rhino manual, but no luck. Or I missed smth ?
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Just a question: textures. howto
Just a question: textures. howto
The only way I know now to get predictable result is on single (untrimmed) surfaces. There is an old command called Reparametrize, which resets the U and V range. I tried to play with the values, but is seems that it has no effect at all.You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.
Just a question: textures. howto
btw: I just tried rendering a few exploded blocks which had a simple texture and bump added, but as it loads the bitmaps several times (already reported) your memory is eaten up in seconds. So in this build I recommend not to use any textures.
o yeah, I forgot to mention that Andrew le Bihan wrote yesterday that new texture options are going to be in Rhino soon(don't know how soon though)
You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.
Just a question: textures. howto
I hope it is very soon and that it's a bit decent (read: I hope they looked to other packages and don't try to reinvent the wheel).
Paul, for now, don't use texturesJust render some clean plastic and metallic stuff, with lots of glossies, mmmmmmm nice!