Hello Newsgroup / Development Team
Before I post my (Christmas) wish list, I would like to know, how the implementation of Vray features will go on, I mean which of the current available Vray for 3D Studio features will definitive be part of the Vray for Rhino application and in which order will they be implemented?
Maybe there could be a sticky under announcements which shows the following information:
1. Already implemented Features (no need to wish for this)
2. Features that will be implemented by improvements of Rhino e.g. mapping tool (no need to wish for this)
3. Features which will definitively be part of the final Release (no need to wish for this)
4. Features which will definitively not be part of the final Release (well ?we can still wish
5. Features which might/might not be part of the final release (I think this list might be the most interesting one concerning the wishing for things to be implemented)
As I understand, most of the current mapping problems will be handled by improving Rhinos capabilities in that area. The first impression of the tool which was part of the new Brazil beta release looks very promising in my opinion; however I noticed that e.g. tiling of maps is not yet supported.
Will the tiling part be handled inside Rhinos new mapping tool, or is this part of Rhino for Vray?
Last not least I would like to thank the Dev. Team for this already very mature Software, which in my opinion glues together 2 of the best programs I ever used.
Please excuse my bad English.
Best regards
Before I post my (Christmas) wish list, I would like to know, how the implementation of Vray features will go on, I mean which of the current available Vray for 3D Studio features will definitive be part of the Vray for Rhino application and in which order will they be implemented?
Maybe there could be a sticky under announcements which shows the following information:
1. Already implemented Features (no need to wish for this)
2. Features that will be implemented by improvements of Rhino e.g. mapping tool (no need to wish for this)
3. Features which will definitively be part of the final Release (no need to wish for this)
4. Features which will definitively not be part of the final Release (well ?we can still wish

5. Features which might/might not be part of the final release (I think this list might be the most interesting one concerning the wishing for things to be implemented)
As I understand, most of the current mapping problems will be handled by improving Rhinos capabilities in that area. The first impression of the tool which was part of the new Brazil beta release looks very promising in my opinion; however I noticed that e.g. tiling of maps is not yet supported.
Will the tiling part be handled inside Rhinos new mapping tool, or is this part of Rhino for Vray?
Last not least I would like to thank the Dev. Team for this already very mature Software, which in my opinion glues together 2 of the best programs I ever used.
Please excuse my bad English.
Best regards