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Virtual Reality in mov format - a free quick start

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  • #31
    Re: Virtual Reality in mov format - a free quick start

    hi Micha i got a question, I downloaded your file and put a LDR image from my own and it worked very good, I was reading your "Wish", and I saw you change the script of your layer, can you please explain how this affects when rendering? because if I'm going to render in a LDR will I have to change always the script. Thank you very much

    P.D; I know this is a very old topic but I found it very interesting I hope you reply it


    • #32
      Re: Virtual Reality in mov format - a free quick start

      It's realy an old thread, a little bit outdated, since VfR support a direct rendering of long-lat format panorams:

      * use a spherical camera
      * set override FOV 360
      * render an image with output ratio 2

      The script is not realy a script file, it's an option file for pano2cube to set the output sizes. If you set a to large size, your rendering will be upscale and looks blury, if you use a to low output size, than you lost size.

      But, I use Pano2qtvr 1.6 from allways. - visualization for designer and architects


      • #33
        Re: Virtual Reality in mov format - a free quick start

        Anybody know a freeware without watermarks to create VR objects?

        "Object2VR" from is great but had a watermarks

        thanks in advance


        • #34
          Re: Virtual Reality in mov format - a free quick start


          I have tried your tuto: everything is OK the equirectangular file seems ok in HDRSHOP but when I use panocube the mov file is not correctly created. I mean it is created but there is one "face" of the cube (the one that is behind the camera in the original point of view) is always totaly wrong in the final view.
          I tried in many ways but nothing to do. It seems theres a bug in panocube
          May you help?


          • #35
            Re: Virtual Reality in mov format - a free quick start

            No idea, I use Pano2QTVR allways.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #36
              Re: Virtual Reality in mov format - a free quick start

              ... there is an other, quite easy solution for a lower price:


              Bixorama can convert MOV to long-lat Panoramas too. If you create a mov per Bixorama, than you can define the start view per DevalVR player and save it to the mov.
     - visualization for designer and architects

