This is not a VrayForRhino wish, but .... if Vlado is reading this:
Today I have build a scene with thin fabric at the ceiling. I would like, if my virtaul material could be diffuse textured and if it would transmit the lighting from the one side to the other. In renderman it can be done very simple per:
It's the poor man SSS.
Very fast. In luxery version each side could get an own texure. Nice to use for leaves.
I think, the disabled "doube-side" option of Vray is the half code.
Only the black other side is a big problem. Will be a thin surface shader possible for Vray?
Today I have build a scene with thin fabric at the ceiling. I would like, if my virtaul material could be diffuse textured and if it would transmit the lighting from the one side to the other. In renderman it can be done very simple per:
surfacecolor = k_front*diffuse(N) + k_back*diffuse(-N) N ... surface normal

I think, the disabled "doube-side" option of Vray is the half code.
