today I was fighting with the lighting of a big room with big windows and a terrace outside. Area Portals in the windows dosn't work, because there was a break in the lighting between the room and the terrace.
I like to use HDRI environments. It is very helpful to get a natural lighting. Also the area light portal are great as turbo for the GI. (Thank you for the tool.)
My current scene works with big portals around the house with the room. The lighting looks good for my eyes. I'm happy. Now I ask me, could I use a big light portal box around my scene? Or is it a catastrophe for the render time?
It seems to work good with my three big portals and I ask me, could it be possible to enable a direct lighting calculation at the environment options? I could save to build a light box around the scene.
today I was fighting with the lighting of a big room with big windows and a terrace outside. Area Portals in the windows dosn't work, because there was a break in the lighting between the room and the terrace.
I like to use HDRI environments. It is very helpful to get a natural lighting. Also the area light portal are great as turbo for the GI. (Thank you for the tool.)
My current scene works with big portals around the house with the room. The lighting looks good for my eyes. I'm happy. Now I ask me, could I use a big light portal box around my scene? Or is it a catastrophe for the render time?
It seems to work good with my three big portals and I ask me, could it be possible to enable a direct lighting calculation at the environment options? I could save to build a light box around the scene.