since a long time I use this script and I think it's a good time to share it here.
If the user has selected some objects, the script hide all other objects except the lights in the scene.
I have got the script at the rhino forum some months befor. I use a copy of the script at the right mouse button of the render button.
Ciao Micha
since a long time I use this script and I think it's a good time to share it here.

If the user has selected some objects, the script hide all other objects except the lights in the scene.
I have got the script at the rhino forum some months befor. I use a copy of the script at the right mouse button of the render button.
Ciao Micha
-_RunScript ( Sub RenderSelected Dim arrobjects, hideObjects, lights arrObjects = Rhino.GetObjects("Select Object for Rendering" , , vbTrue, vbTrue) lights = Rhino.ObjectsByType (256) If IsArray (arrObjects) Then hideObjects = Rhino.InvertSelectedObjects If Not IsArray(hideObjects) Then Rhino.print "Only one object in scene use regular render command" Else Rhino.HideObjects(hideObjects) Rhino.command "_Render" Rhino.showObjects (hideObjects) Rhino.SelectObjects (arrobjects) End If End If End Sub RenderSelected )