I miss something in my renderings that I can see in the real world - a fallof of the blur effect of reflections. My observation is, that blury reflections are less blury if the eye look in a flat angle to a surface. Here two examples:
rubber material

plastic material

I would say, the fresnel function should be used for a blur control too. An additional option "use fresnel for glossiness" could be great.
Interesting for me, the physical correct Maxwell dosn't support this feature.
An other real world example: at long floors with a window at the end is this effect visible sometimes.
I miss something in my renderings that I can see in the real world - a fallof of the blur effect of reflections. My observation is, that blury reflections are less blury if the eye look in a flat angle to a surface. Here two examples:
rubber material

plastic material

I would say, the fresnel function should be used for a blur control too. An additional option "use fresnel for glossiness" could be great.
Interesting for me, the physical correct Maxwell dosn't support this feature.

An other real world example: at long floors with a window at the end is this effect visible sometimes.