Hallo Vlado,
if I use the LC mode, than I see in the first seconds the image will be better and better. But after approx. 500 ... 1000 subdivs the progress stagnate, the noise stay at a low level.
Simple test: take a interior scene, set LC as primary engine and use no sec engine. Use 5000 subdivs with a size of 0.001 and look at the rendering. It dosn't converge to a solution with less noise like in PPT mode.
OK, I have seen now that different subdivs count change the the noise level in the full rendered image with all passes. If the image is rendered with all passes, a rendering with more samples looks better than with less samples. But I would like to see the converge image during the LC pass, so I could decide in this pass, did I use enough subdivs or not.
A workflow idea is, to create a LC upto a good noise level and than to rerender the image based on a smoothed LC. Something like a PPT mode with reuse of the LC cache file for smoothing the noise. It could be good, to set a LC mode to a high subdiv count, start the rendering and if the noise looks good to break the pass. Than Vray should save the LC solution and the user could start a finish pass based on the LC. Good would be, if Vray would allow to stop the LC pass and would render the last pass per automatic. At the moment, if I stop the LC pass, no LC Cache file is saved.
EDIT: I have seen now, the LC is saved in every case, it is not shown in the progress window only. But how could I reuse it with a smooth look? I'm confused.
if I use the LC mode, than I see in the first seconds the image will be better and better. But after approx. 500 ... 1000 subdivs the progress stagnate, the noise stay at a low level.
Simple test: take a interior scene, set LC as primary engine and use no sec engine. Use 5000 subdivs with a size of 0.001 and look at the rendering. It dosn't converge to a solution with less noise like in PPT mode.
OK, I have seen now that different subdivs count change the the noise level in the full rendered image with all passes. If the image is rendered with all passes, a rendering with more samples looks better than with less samples. But I would like to see the converge image during the LC pass, so I could decide in this pass, did I use enough subdivs or not.
A workflow idea is, to create a LC upto a good noise level and than to rerender the image based on a smoothed LC. Something like a PPT mode with reuse of the LC cache file for smoothing the noise. It could be good, to set a LC mode to a high subdiv count, start the rendering and if the noise looks good to break the pass. Than Vray should save the LC solution and the user could start a finish pass based on the LC. Good would be, if Vray would allow to stop the LC pass and would render the last pass per automatic. At the moment, if I stop the LC pass, no LC Cache file is saved.
EDIT: I have seen now, the LC is saved in every case, it is not shown in the progress window only. But how could I reuse it with a smooth look? I'm confused.
