Can someone show a simple tutorial or best a .vismat with the texturefiles and 3dm surface of a wood floor rectangle surface with bump and reflection of a hdr.
And keep the original good color of the texture floor bitmap map when rendering with a hdr map. (this is normal )
I would like to achieve a good bump and color like this:
but for now I have something more like this (also little blurry in addition of a color :S because a bad environment ?):
for my scene I use this texture:
Can someone show a simple tutorial or best a .vismat with the texturefiles and 3dm surface of a wood floor rectangle surface with bump and reflection of a hdr.
And keep the original good color of the texture floor bitmap map when rendering with a hdr map. (this is normal )
I would like to achieve a good bump and color like this:
but for now I have something more like this (also little blurry in addition of a color :S because a bad environment ?):
for my scene I use this texture: