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Material editor, material preview, material assignment...

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  • Material editor, material preview, material assignment...

    This might be seen as related to Craigs posting regarding assigning materials, so maybe I should have posted this there...

    I have to agree that I find the methodology for assigning materials to be very confusing. I always seem to be creating new materials when I think I am applying an existing material, changing an existing material when I think I am editing a copied material, etc, etc. I am probably just being retarded and I'm sure I will get used to it in time, but it seems there must be a better way. I'm used to Alias Studio and Cinema4D where there is a materials pallete and I drag and drop or assign materials from there. Since I have to go there to assign materials I always know what materials are there. It's also nice in Cinema4D to have an objects pallete where there are mini icons that indicate which materials are assigned to each object. I don't know if this kind of methodology conflicts with the way Rhino works or not, but it would be a lot less confusing to do things that way.

    I am also having problems with the material preview. It never looks like the final rendered version and it is way, way too slow. Not updating automatically is a bummer too. I am not sure if the problem of it not looking like the rendered material is a scaling issue or what (I model consumer products in millimeters), but its kind of useless for me. I read in another posting that you can change the preview scene. Would changing the preview scene to something in millimeters help me?

    Right now creating and applying materials is a long and tedious process. I never know what anything is going to look like until I render my scene. This takes too long. You never know what you are going to get in any rendering application, but the problem seems especially acute with Vray.