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Render objects of hidden layer - little button script

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  • Render objects of hidden layer - little button script


    sometime it is good for working on a scene to hide objects like big ground planes or much trees. A good workflow is, to collect this objects at a layer and enable this layer for rendering only. A small button script help to do it.

    This script I have got from Pascal Golay some weeks ago at the rhino forum.


    ! _-Layer _On "Hidden Objects" _Enter
    _-Layer _Off "Hidden Objects" _Enter - visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Render objects of hidden layer - little button script

    Yeah - we were thinking of putting that option on our global options rollout at some point since we only have rendering hidden lights now and hidden geometry can be useful as well. But until then that script will do the trick
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Render objects of hidden layer - little button script

      Most I have many hidden layers in a script, so it would be good, if only selected layers would be visible in the rendering. Most for me it is not good to render all hidden layer.
      I'm not sure how we could handle it. My suggestion: all hidden layers with a specific color are rendered. For example all layers with color (10,10,10). The user can set in the vray option, which color of hidden layers enable this layers. - visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Render objects of hidden layer - little button script

        We could do a "render selection" method as well. I think the color-based rendering stuff is a bit complex and could get messy. But maybe I'm not fully understanding your idea.
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Render objects of hidden layer - little button script

          Example: architecture rendering - exterior - many trees with many polygons. Also a layer with people and one with car. If I model the scene, than I hide the tree, people and car layers, but it would be nice, if this layers are on for rendering only. Also many hidden layers with different scene version objects are in the file. If you would render all off layers, than all objects would be visible, but I need tree, people and cars. The other versions layers should not be touched from Vray. So I ask me, how could we mark the layers, that only this hidden layers are used for the renderings.

          Render selected - this is an other problem. If I remember right, we talk about it some months befor. Problem: if I use a script that invert the selection, hide this objects and render, this script is very slow for mass scenes. Better it would be, if only the selected objects would be send to the render engine.
          Example: 100 objects and one selected. I want to render the selected only. Best would be, if the selected object would be direct send to the vray engine.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Render objects of hidden layer - little button script

            Originally posted by Micha
            Render selected - this is an other problem. If I remember right, we talk about it some months befor. Problem: if I use a script that invert the selection, hide this objects and render, this script is very slow for mass scenes. Better it would be, if only the selected objects would be send to the render engine.
            Example: 100 objects and one selected. I want to render the selected only. Best would be, if the selected object would be direct send to the vray engine.
            I'm talking about an actual function of VfR. No scripting required. Just a simple render of only objects that are selected. There is no need to hide anything for this.
            Best regards,
            Joe Bacigalupa

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Render objects of hidden layer - little button script

              Sounds good.

              My last post was meaning to this old threads:


     (at the end of the page)
     - visualization for designer and architects

