I have try to render a thick long hair carpet. After many experiments I find this simple solution - a randomized surface with a carpet texture, transparency map for the edges and a high bump value (20). I have copied the surface three times with a distance of approx. 1 cm, so that the carpet looks thick. Best rendered with QMC for the Bump (and LC). Here my result.

higher distance between the three carpet surfaces (postwork will be necessary)


transparency map

bump map

PS: the scene is from here
I have try to render a thick long hair carpet. After many experiments I find this simple solution - a randomized surface with a carpet texture, transparency map for the edges and a high bump value (20). I have copied the surface three times with a distance of approx. 1 cm, so that the carpet looks thick. Best rendered with QMC for the Bump (and LC). Here my result.

higher distance between the three carpet surfaces (postwork will be necessary)


transparency map

bump map

PS: the scene is from here