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Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

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  • Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

    Hi all

    A customer of mine asked me about Rhino & V-ray working in 64 bit so that he can put more ram that 2 GB and maybe speed ut V-ray.

    Can someone explain to me what is the situation status here and is it worth it? will rhino/V-ray work faster?


  • #2
    Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

    ... and my question to the subject: make it sense to use more than 2GB RAM yet? - visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

      I believe Rhino is a 32 bit application only. But 64bit windows will run 32 bit apps natively. I'm not sure if that means the 32bit apps will have access to the expanded memory or not - maybe an operating system buff out there knows? If not I'll see if I can track down the answer to that.
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

        Originally posted by Micha
        ... and my question to the subject: make it sense to use more than 2GB RAM yet?
        We have machines that use the 3gig switch for XP and that does supply more memory - I'm not sure if that answers your question
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

          Thank you Joe. Good to know.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

            Hi joeb

            Could you elaborate on the 3gig switch bit? - Sounds useful!!

            We have machines that use the 3gig switch for XP and that does supply more memory


            • #7
              Rhino & V-ray work on 64 bit?

              copy-pasted from the Vray forum:

              Originally posted by Candelero
              In order to help our users, here is how the 3GB switch can be setup.
              This has been discussed a lot in the forum, though there are still users finding problems with it.

              First, an additional line has to be added in the < boot.ini > file.

              The < boot.ini > file is actually a protected system file, which is
              hidden from the Windows OS by default. To make it accessible:
              • (*) Open the Explorer ;
                (*) Tools - Folder Option ;
                (*) View - Tab ;
                (*) Uncheck the < Hide protected operating system files > ;
                (*) Look for the < boot.ini > in the C:\ root folder ;
                (*) Open it using Notepad.exe (or any other editing application) ;
                (*) Copy the last line, which ends with "... /fastdetect" ;
                (*) Paste it in a new line and replace that with "... /3GB" ;
                (*) You may want to add some text between the brackets, to know which Windows is the one with the 3GB ;

              Here is a typical < boot.ini > and how it looks like:
              &#91;boot loader&#93;
              &#91;operating systems&#93;
              multi&#40;0&#41;disk&#40;0&#41;rdisk&#40;0&#41;partition&#40;1&#41;\WINXP="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect
              multi&#40;0&#41;disk&#40;0&#41;rdisk&#40;0&#41;partition&#40;1&#41;\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional 3GB" /3GB


              There are some CPU and MB configurations, which also do not allow this extension to run properly.
              If you have encountered this, please report the hardware specifications.
              Thank you !

              For more info on the topic, refer to:

              Best regards,
              nikki Candelero
              You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


              • #8
                Re: Rhino &amp; V-ray work on 64 bit?

                Was VRay compiled with support for the /3Gb switch ?



