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Isolate Selection Toolbar

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  • Isolate Selection Toolbar

    I thought that it would be a useful thing if there was a way to do Isolate Selection with Rhino, so I took it upon myself to make a little toolbar. Just to let everyone know, this is done through a series of commands in Rhino, not its own new command. This will allow all of your hidden objects to stay hidden, and all of your grouped objects to stay grouped which is helpful and a pitfall of a few other methods I have used in the past. Presently this toolbar only works with version 4 because there are afew new commands that allow this to work.

    Here's how it works...
    1. Have an object(s) selected and click on the button
    2. Do whatever you got to do including add objects
    3. Right-click on the button and that will unisolate your objects.

    Hopefully you will find this useful, and any questions, comments, complaints, or whatever feel free to post them here.

    Heres the link selection.tb
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

  • #2
    Isolate Selection Toolbar

    Hi Damian,

    you can make it more efficient. The following code also works in v3. The Setredrawoff command helps to stop Rhino from writing things to the viewport, so especially with larger models it will be noticably faster.

    isolate selection:

    _SetGroupName "temp"

    finish isolation: (you can put this code under the right mouse click of the button)

    _SelGroup "temp"
    _SelGroup "temp"
    You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


    • #3
      Isolate Selection Toolbar

      Okay, I went and updated it, so its all ready to go. I forgot about the viewport thing which is really helpful. Also the way I had it set up it would leave an unfinished command if you didn't have anything hidden previously.
      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

