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Large scene rendering with RAM saver script

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  • Large scene rendering with RAM saver script


    large scene renderings are limited by the RAM usage of the Rhino.exe (Rhino3 1.8GB and Rhino4 at WinXP64 3.2GB) or the build in RAM. For my current project I found some tricks to render very large scenes:

    - For high res image use the Vrimage output (look at Coreys tutorial)
    - Mesh your scene and save it in an extra file and use this for rendering. (so the NURBS model isn't in the RAM)
    - During the rendering is starting open an empty document immediately.

    The last method is very useful, because NURBS model and render mesh leave the RAM befor the render process full start. With some help from the Rhino forum I got this little script, that start the rendering and open an empty template file without to save the file befor.
    Example: my Rhino4 crash at 3.2GB, but with the script it render with a RAM usage of 1.8GB only.

    3.000.000 polygons rendered with GI at 8.000x8.000 pixel ;D


    Script for copy to a button or direct to the Rhino command line:
    -_RunScript (
    If Rhino.DocumentModified(False)Then
       Call Rhino.Command ("-_New ""Millimeter""",vbFalse)
    End If
    It seems to be a Rhino4 bug: if I open a file and start the script, than it dosn't work. But if I move one of the viewports a little befor, than it works. - visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Re: Large scene rendering with RAM saver script

    Good pointers Micha. I've always suggested premeshing scenes that get troublesome. Two side notes to remember. First is that if your meshing remember that the standard rhino settings usually add way more polys for things like boxes then you actually need. So make sure to mesh things with the fewest amount of polys to get a good result, just selecting everything and typing Mesh is probably not your best bet. Secondly is that if your going to use the VRimage format you will need the VRimage to OpenEXR converter. You can download it from here, just go to Downloads>My Files>Tools. Its just a command line thing which is simple.
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


    • #3
      Re: Large scene rendering with RAM saver script

      well I would also like to download it,I have been looking everywhere for that tool.But the link you are giving Damien,I can't find



      • #4
        Re: Large scene rendering with RAM saver script

        Thank you Dalomar. Joe placed the Vrimg2exr converter at my request some days befor.

        Also it's quite easy to implement this commandline tool per Windows Explorer, so that no command line is necessary. See screenshot. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: Large scene rendering with RAM saver script

          the vrimg2exr command-line tool is distributed with V-Ray for Max now so they have taken it off their website to prevent the tool from reaching people who aren't actual V-Ray owners. We will make this tool available to V-Ray for SketchUp / V-Ray for Rhino users as well in the coming week, we're still just working through the migration so we have a list of all paying customers in our new database. Anyone who needs the tool now please send me a private message and I'll take care of you.
          Best regards,
          Joe Bacigalupa

          Chaos Group


          • #6
            Re: Large scene rendering with RAM saver script

            thank you ! if it is coming soon say next week I can wait.



            • #7
              Re: Large scene rendering with RAM saver script

              Originally posted by Micha
              If you look at my button script, there is a code to supress dialog boxes. I got this from here.

              Also, I would use the command _ExtractRenderMesh + sel all surfaces/polysurfaces/meshes and lights and save this all to a new file. So we could get all objects for rendering. I hope the materials are assigned to the render meshes.
              I was working on it in V3 for others which don't have our build yet and v3 doesn't have the extractrendermesh command (I don't think). The macro was my best shot, as I am not a programmer and just got into macros/scripting. You could probably insert that script into the macro if you want, as that only seams to take care of opening the empty document. I forgot about all the lights and what not. Here's some revisions without the script added.

              _-export "C:\Documents and Settings\Damien\My Documents\Micha test.3dm"
              _-open "C:\Documents and Settings\Damien\My Documents\Micha test.3dm"

              EDIT: There was another dialogbox that popped up then it crashed, so just beware.
              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

