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Blocks and materials

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  • #16
    Re: Blocks and materials

    Give us rhino users a break, you have a good user base, resting on you laurels for soo long is making many ask questions.

    (came up when searching for an image to match your comment)
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • #17
      Re: Blocks and materials

      my apologies sometimes I seem harsh.

      I just get frustrated because I see the potential!

      Take it as motivation


      • #18
        Re: Blocks and materials

        hehe, well considering you weren't aware that we haven't taken a break since our last release, no hard feelings taken. You just didn't know. We get some nasty comments sometimes, and usually it's because people think that we're some sort of huge multi-million dollar company. We're not though, we're just a 10 people trying to bring the wonder of V-Ray to some apps that are in need of it.

        Here's something cute and cuddly so we can all feel nice:
        Best regards,
        Devin Kendig

        Chaos Group


        • #19
          Re: Blocks and materials

          Im not a rhino user but i often read the messages about this matter .
          Only one question ¿Can you guys hire onther enginering for the development of the vray plugins ? not a man behind the forum or something hust a man behind a pc all day sesting and writing lines of code or wathever it takes to make this software works ????

          im sorry for my ignorance ;D


          • #20
            Re: Blocks and materials

            yeah, that's what Joe and I do. I'm not getting paid to post in the forum. I do that on my "breaks" or at home (it's currently 10:56pm). We don't pay anyone to post on the forums. If I don't spend time on the forums communicating with our beta testers though, we don't get any feedback, and don't find out about bugs. It's a necessary evil I'm afraid.

            There aren't many things that are slowing us down at this point other than testing. We have a hard time reproducing some of the bugs because they only exist on certain people's computers for some reason, or only happen with certain languages. Some bugs have gone untouched for a long time, because if Joe or I spend an entire day trying to reproduce a bug, just to discover that the problem is that the user did something incorrectly... we just wasted a lot of time for nothing. So we try to focus on bugs that we know how to reproduce easily, and that we know we can fix in a reasonable time frame. That's why we ask for specific steps on how to reproduce an error when someone reports a bug, and we ask for as much detail about the issue as you can possibly provide about the issue. You wouldn't believe how many reports we get that just say something like "try it" or "there is a bug" and that's all there is in the bug report. How are we supposed to fix something if we know nothing about it?

            Bugs in V-Ray for Rhino have been untouched for a while, because we completely rewrote the plugin. There won't be any updates that include any of the code from the old 1.05.29 code base. Bug fixes will come in the newly rewritten plugin, much like they did in SketchUp. Unfortunately, with a new code base, there are new bugs. Some old bugs have been fixed, but some new ones have sprung up in their place. We try our best, sorry if we disappoint anyone.

            I don't know if you've noticed, but we've put out 30 new builds since April... Do you know how long it took to put out a build 2 years ago? Months... So we've definitely picked up the pace. Once we get both products using the same core, bug fixes will be even easier, because we'll be able to test out bugs in both products, and narrow down the causes easier.
            Best regards,
            Devin Kendig

            Chaos Group


            • #21
              Re: Blocks and materials

              I know those 10 people including devin are in a lot of pressure right now.
              comments here feedbacks there. every problem around the world. One thing we could do is give details of bugs so they can work on it. another thing, be nice to them coz' it will help a lot! ;D

              That's why they posted a public release of 1.48 so that many can test the product or stress test! hahah
              yes you've got the pace! I know there is always a work around on those problem!

              More power to ASGVIS team! ;D

