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Batch render tool

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  • Batch render tool

    Hi Joe,

    could be nice, if the nice ASGvis batch render tool could be add to the tool download section. Also, I would wish a small modification: please add the RAM saver trick. It's not necessary to hold the Rhino scene at the RAM during the rendering.

    Joe, you are very bussy now. It's better to wait with this kind of wishes until the SR is released?

    Best regards,
    Micha - visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Re: Batch render tool

    we have a couple new guys starting tomorrow (Monday 4 March). So I'll probably get one of them to work on things like this - I want to get our 3dsmax material converter done first, but I will add this to the list. I'll also see if I can get the batch render tool posted in it's current form, or perhaps with the minor changes you suggested.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Batch render tool


      Thank you very much! - visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Re: Batch render tool

        an "official" batch render tool would be great ;D

        I know a good batch managment tool from "alias image studio"... very simple but effective. you can change your view (save it or not, like you want), open the batch tool and add the rendering of the current view to the render-queue... it's rendering in the background, you can return to your model, change some materials, turn the view, add it to the render-queue and so on... it's always working in the background. you can quit or delete queued renderings without disturbing the renderprocess. I think you can add pre-saved files too. Something in this direction would be a great improvement in rendering/modeling workflow... ;D


        • #5
          Re: Batch render tool

          Originally posted by martin1012
          ...Something in this direction would be a great improvement in rendering/modeling workflow... ;D
          yes. very much so!

