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Extract displacement geometry

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  • Extract displacement geometry


    I'm looking for a whay to extract the displacement geometry.

    I belive that if I install the RDK I will get the displacement tools and then use the command ExtractDisplacedMeshes command to get them out.

    Is this true Joe?
    I tested the displacement from Rhino only but the results seem diferent from V-ray displacement, algouth I used diferent images so I'm not shure if the problem was the image of the displacement from Rhino 4 is week compared with V-ray displacement.

    Maybe this post should also be for the Rhino forum

    Sergio Silva

  • #2
    Re: Extract displacement geometry

    I'm not sure about the RDK displacement - but the V-Ray displacement ( what is our material editor, not the object property panel called "Displacement" ) is a render-time only operation at this time and we do not have access to that displaced mesh. I can bring it up with Vlado and perhaps make it possible to grab that information. As far as the RDK displacement goes you might get a more helpful answer from the Rhino guys, as I'm not totally sure to be honest.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Extract displacement geometry

      Although our render process wouldn't allow for us to use the rdk displacement, would it be possible to still us it to extract the displaced mesh. Either by doing it manually (mapping the texture, then extracting it) or by scripting it maybe. Just a thought.
      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


      • #4
        Re: Extract displacement geometry

        I'm not sure I follow what your asking. At first I thought you were asking the same question Sergio was asking. RDK provides means to extract its displaced mesh - yes. So we wouldn't need to provide any functionality to do that. Or are you saying we should use RDK to extract a displaced mesh as a hacked way to extract a V-Ray displaced mesh?
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Re: Extract displacement geometry

          I was kind of responding to Sergio saying that the RDK displacement could still be utilized for the extraction of the displaced mesh, even though vray itself can't use it. I wouldn't say its a hack way of doing it, I would say that its using an available resource. A script that would adapt the vray displacement to the rdk one would probably be easier then writing a whole new function of extracting the vray displacemnt (I'm not even sure if this functionality is even in max at the moment).
          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


          • #6
            Re: Extract displacement geometry

            Hi Damien and Joe

            I posted a question in Rhino forum because the displacement of Rhino4 seems that isn't working.

            I got this reply, any case maybe Damien idea is faster to implement.
            Sorry about this. The bug is fixed in house, and will be available with the
            next Brazil WIP.


