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Hardware problem

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  • Hardware problem

    Please! Someone help me. Ps: My english is not very good, so sorry!

    My old PC - Single Processor / 512 Mb RAM / 64 Mb in Video.

    My New PC - Intel Core2 Duo Processor / 2 GB RAM / 512 Mb in video.

    The problem is that: I have all drivers oK.

    So... in the same CENE (the same configuration, same models and same materiasl).
    I delay the same RENDER time whit my new and my old PC !!!
    I was use Rhinoceros 3.0 and V-Ray.
    Please.. what can i do about???
    V-ray for rhino works fine whit the Core2 Duo?

  • #2
    Re: Hardware problem

    So your saying that even with your new hardware the scene is taking just as long to render? Or are you saying that the time spent meshing your scene takes just as long? I believe that the meshing process in Rhinoceros 3.0 is single-threaded so additional cores won't actually increase the speed of it, but a faster cpu would. Sorry if I misunderstood you.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Hardware problem

      Thank you for response.
      Dude, the meshes are fast, and calculation light too. But the final render process, delay the same time! Do you know one example of one FAST CPU for me?
      Thank you a lot!
      If i get the rhino 4.0 it makes diference?


      • #4
        Re: Hardware problem

        What is the speed of your old and new cpus (GHz)? And do you have this effect on every scene you render or is it just one scene in particular?
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Re: Hardware problem

          No...i have that problem in all scenes.
          My new PC have :
          Intel(R) Core 9TM)2 CPU
          6400 @2.13 Ghz
          2.13 Ghz, 2,00 GB RAM

          Can i need to swap my processor for one sigle (core)?
          It is resolve the velocity?
          What processor u think is the best for me?
          Thank You.


          • #6
            Re: Hardware problem

            I use a DualCore E6600 here and it works fine. VfR automatic use both CPUs and I can see two render buckets at the framebuffer during rendering. Best you use so much CPUs you can get. I hope, the price of the quadcores will fall a bit more.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              Re: Hardware problem

              Originally posted by BobFilho
              No...i have that problem in all scenes.
              My new PC have :
              Intel(R) Core 9TM)2 CPU
              6400 @2.13 Ghz
              2.13 Ghz, 2,00 GB RAM

              Can i need to swap my processor for one sigle (core)?
              It is resolve the velocity?
              What processor u think is the best for me?
              Thank You.
              What is your old processors speed? Also - when you render do you see 2 buckets or just one? Buckets, in case your not sure what I mean, are the rectangular regions that move around the image while rendering.
              Best regards,
              Joe Bacigalupa

              Chaos Group


              • #8
                Re: Hardware problem

                That's my old PC:

                Pentium(R)4 CPU 2.4 GHz
                2.39 Ghz, 512 RAM

                And - Yes! I saw the 2 buckets in the frame buffer while rendering. (i know what they are) LOL... My english is not good... but i have some experience in 3D models... But can't have too much in HARDWARE.
                It seams like those buckets are rendering too slowest.
                I get the time in my old PC... 2 minutes for the scene complete. And in my new PC is the same time. Just like i said before: the calculation are very good.. but in the BUCKET work ... it is more slow them my old. So... in the end of rendering... the time is the same.. .. That's too wierd. (quaint) oooooohh my enghish!!! Sorry again!

