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mutliple bump mapping question

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  • mutliple bump mapping question


    I would like to create a logo embossing ( that works ) on a leather seat
    but I also want to show the leather bump mapping of that same material with the embossing on.
    How do I get about in doing that in Vray for Rhino 3.0??????

    Alexandre Galin
    lexandre Galin
    <br />Industrial Designer

  • #2
    Re: mutliple bump mapping question

    I think you'd probably have to combine the images via photoshop or some image editing program. The thing with that also is that you will have to make the texture big enough so that it will not tile (which would cause the logo to be repeated). Thats the easiest and least involved method I would suggest. See if that works and maybe try posting some examples if possible.
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


    • #3
      Re: mutliple bump mapping question

      I don't think that is easy to do. Most likely the leather texture is applied as box map. You are probably better of to fake the bumped logo in photoshop. An alternative is to make an additional rendering pass with the bumped logo only and mix them in post.
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      • #4
        Re: mutliple bump mapping question

        I don't think that is easy to do.
        Yea...I may have overlooked that :-[... here's another suggestion. Try using the Heightfield From Image command and see if you can make some small geometry for the logo. Depending on how/where you need it, it might be easier said than done, but its worth a shot.
        Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


        • #5
          Re: mutliple bump mapping question

          I appreciate your help in that matter
          but it leaves me perplex
          in other softwares I can accumulate different textures to the same material
          I wonder how Vray with 3DS Max does
          I m no programmer but why not have different layers of bump mapping within the same material.
          I mean for Diffuse you have Bump Map and for Diffuse1 you have Bump Map1 and so on....
          all in the same material.
          Is it a Rhino problem ?

          Anyways I appreciate your help

          Alexandre Galin

          lexandre Galin
          <br />Industrial Designer


          • #6
            Re: mutliple bump mapping question

            I think this should be possible now. Set your bump texture to "blend" type and than set your two textures at the blended maps.
            I would wish, we could get more combine types like "add", "subtract" and "multiply".
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