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  • Lights...

    1. Why are some of my downlights appearing big and over-blown, while others appear round, like they should? They are copies of each other, placed at the same height.

    2. The lights are similar in setup as Micha's interior tutorial ( a round emissive surface, combined with a small area and spot light.

    I have deleted the diffuse layer in the Emissive mat., all the surfaces have normals facing downwards, the area lights are set to single sided with their direction pointing down. I'd assuming its may have something to do with my render settings IR/LC, but not sure which part considering some appear correct, but some do not.

    Also, still using VfR3.

  • #2
    Re: Lights...

    I'm not sure what the reason is. Try to set a low emitter intensity.

    But if you don't need a sharp circle at the ceiling you could try a combination of point light and spot light. The spotlight create a soft, round visible lighted area at the ceiling and the spot create the main light to the ground. At this way you avoid the sharp edges of the emitter disk and the antialiasing problem. - visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Re: Lights...

      Lowering the Emissive Mat. intensity seems to have worked. However some of the lights are still showing a slight 'Halo' around them. Thanks Micha.


      • #4
        Re: Lights...


        One idea more: what is, if we use a two sided material, backside black (directed to the ceiling) and front side emitter material downward? So, we get a visible light source disk and the ceiling don't sample the emitter. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: Lights...

          If you were to use a two sided material, I would try to put the main lights just below the ceiling and then a small area light that is just a bit higher than the 2sided material surface that would just illuminate the material. I say this because sampling all of that light through the 2sided material may cause either excessively long render times or possibly issues with the light calculations for the scene. The 2sided material was ment more as an quick fix (or a fake or a hack, whatever you want to call it) for creating thin translucent surfaces. You're could possibly be lighting the whole scene through the 2sided material, which I could see as possibly causing issues.
          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


          • #6
            Re: Lights...

            ... I mean this Skp2Sidedmaterial (without light transport from one side to the other). Maybe so it works.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #7
              Re: Lights...

              Okay I get it now... you don't want vray to sample the light thats going back towards the I need to get more sleep
              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


              • #8
                Re: Lights...

                Oh sleep, I can' get enough too.

                PS: Could be good to find new more different names for this 2sided materials. This "skp" is confusing - mean it SketchUp?

                My suggestion: 2sidematerial (two independent materials) and thinmaterial (linked front and back side with blend option).
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • #9
                  Re: Lights...

                  Yea Joe had issues with the naming convention when we were in the early betas for SU. Basically both vfmax and SU have a 2 sided material, so he just decided to keep the vray naming convention as it was (vray2sided mat) and have the sketchup one be slightly different (skp2sided mat). I actually suggested to Joe a little while ago that the two materials should be combined in a single UI. By default you would have the material for each side, and it would act like the sketchup version. There would be a little check box for translucent which would make it act like the vray version...that was just my thought on the matter.
                  Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                  • #10
                    Re: Lights...

                    One material for both - I like the idea too. I vote for it.
           - visualization for designer and architects

