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Material files (n00b)

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  • Material files (n00b)

    Sorry for the noob question, but i'm wondering if I can download vray materials for the rhino plugin? I downloaded some 'vray' materials but they were a different file extension (*.mat instead of the *.vismat), I'm assuming they were for 3dsm or something like that. Will these work? Can I change the extension?

  • #2
    Re: Material files (n00b)

    V-Ray doesn't have a material file format of its own at the moment. The .mat file is a 3dsmax material. We've written a converter that will take the V-Ray for 3dsmax materials and convert them to our material format ( the vismat ). This converter should be released at the same time as our official VfR4 release.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Material files (n00b)

      Originally posted by Joe B
      This converter should be released at the same time as our official VfR4 release.
      Great ! :P


      • #4
        Re: Material files (n00b)

        is there a converter ??
        if there is,how can I get this??
        where can I download
        is there anyone who has used this converter??


        • #5
          Re: Material files (n00b)

          Downloads> My file> Tools...You'll need Max and V-Ray for Max to run the converter. Read through the ReadMe file and that will explain how to use it and how you will need to set it up.
          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


          • #6
            Re: Material files (n00b)

            I'd like to use mat to vismat converter but I don't have MAX, and... I'am not going to have it. Is any other converter wich don't need MAX?



            • #7
              Re: Material files (n00b)

              Sorry, but no. There are no means for actually figure out whats in the file with out loading it up into max.
              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


              • #8
                Re: Material files (n00b)

                I don't know the legallity of this idea, but would it be possible for those users of Max to use the converter and upload materials for those of us who don't have Max?

                Looking to create a little solidarity here...

                And we could sure use the files.


                • #9
                  Re: Material files (n00b)

                  Anyone got their hands on a convertor and willing to share their mat/vismat files? It would be wonderful of anyone to upload these files so we all can make use of the large selection of mat files available today.

                  I don't have Max and never will, so that makes me S.O.L. on getting my mat files converted.
                  Originally posted by wgc2005
                  I don't know the legallity of this idea, but would it be possible for those users of Max to use the converter and upload materials for those of us who don't have Max?

                  Looking to create a little solidarity here...

                  And we could sure use the files.


                  • #10
                    Re: Material files (n00b)

                    you can download the trial of Max and V-Ray, so you can convert for 30 days.


                    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

