I've put together a script that will add a clipping plane at the near and/or far point of focus so that you can preview the affect of depth of field before you actually render. The script is pretty simple. It just asks you for a few simple values. The only value that isn't very clear is the Circle of Confusion, which is basically a value to express the allowed amount of blurriness. Here's a wikipedia site that does a better job in explaining it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_confusion
There is a ReadMe file which will give a little more information about the script, so I suggest you give it a quick read before you run the script. If you need more info about how to set up the script to work in rhino you can get that here. Enjoy, and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, errors, or general thoughts about life feel free to post. I can post an example or two if someone feels that would be helpful.
Here's the link to download the Script and ReadMe
There is a ReadMe file which will give a little more information about the script, so I suggest you give it a quick read before you run the script. If you need more info about how to set up the script to work in rhino you can get that here. Enjoy, and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, errors, or general thoughts about life feel free to post. I can post an example or two if someone feels that would be helpful.
Here's the link to download the Script and ReadMe