I recently got a new laptop with, unfortunately, windows vista (don't worry I'm dual booting with XP), and I thought I would share some of my intial vista experience with Rhino and V-Ray. There hasn't been too many general posts about vista, so I thought I'd encourage the users who are working on vista to share a bit of their experience by sharing my own, so here it goes.
The initial install of Rhino went pretty smoothly. I did have to open up the install disc as a folder (it was actually one of the options when I inserted the CD) just to make sure that the Rhino install ran as an administrator (this is very important for vista). I did open up Rhino really quickly before I went allong to installing SR1 (recently released...many bug fixes and lots of vista issues cleared up) and it didn't seam too good. Whenever I hoovered over one of the bars inbetween the viewports they pretty much all went black. It came back once the viewport got redrawn (panning, zoom, orbit, or start a command) but still. Thats all I really did before I installed SR1 and to be honest I'm glad I didn't have to (I would have if needed, but since I didn't have too, I didn't want too).
The install of SR1 went fine, again taking care to make sure that the install was run as an admin. After that I went through with installing V-Ray (ran as admin again...hope your seeing a trend
) and that went well. When I started up Rhino again there was an error with loading V-Ray (see even we get-em), so I went back and did two things. First, I changed Rhino's compatability mode (right-click on an icon> properties> compatability) and changed that to XP. Then next thing I did was to change Rhino to always run as admin. This is much more important for the initial setup (because V-Ray needs to access the registry) but I don't feel its too bad of an idea to keep it that way (I just need to find out how to bypass that stupid window needing my authorization). After that V-Ray loaded up smoothly and went through the activation process with no problems.
So I decided to take Rhino through its paces real quick, mostly for the graphics then anything else. I took a sphere and made a 20x20x20 array (in shaded mode). I'm not too sure exactly how many polys it was, but it handled it for a little while (no better then Rhino on XP really). Then I Rhino completely locked up and ran out of memory (see screenshot). So if your having issues running out of memory in XP then you are definitely going to have to more for Vista.
Those are my initial tests. I haven't gotten too much a chance to play with it yet (I'm quite tired) but I thought I'd let you know how it went. I'll post a little more once I log a bit more time with it and I encourage any Vista users out there to chime in.
Happy Rendering
I recently got a new laptop with, unfortunately, windows vista (don't worry I'm dual booting with XP), and I thought I would share some of my intial vista experience with Rhino and V-Ray. There hasn't been too many general posts about vista, so I thought I'd encourage the users who are working on vista to share a bit of their experience by sharing my own, so here it goes.
The initial install of Rhino went pretty smoothly. I did have to open up the install disc as a folder (it was actually one of the options when I inserted the CD) just to make sure that the Rhino install ran as an administrator (this is very important for vista). I did open up Rhino really quickly before I went allong to installing SR1 (recently released...many bug fixes and lots of vista issues cleared up) and it didn't seam too good. Whenever I hoovered over one of the bars inbetween the viewports they pretty much all went black. It came back once the viewport got redrawn (panning, zoom, orbit, or start a command) but still. Thats all I really did before I installed SR1 and to be honest I'm glad I didn't have to (I would have if needed, but since I didn't have too, I didn't want too).
The install of SR1 went fine, again taking care to make sure that the install was run as an admin. After that I went through with installing V-Ray (ran as admin again...hope your seeing a trend

So I decided to take Rhino through its paces real quick, mostly for the graphics then anything else. I took a sphere and made a 20x20x20 array (in shaded mode). I'm not too sure exactly how many polys it was, but it handled it for a little while (no better then Rhino on XP really). Then I Rhino completely locked up and ran out of memory (see screenshot). So if your having issues running out of memory in XP then you are definitely going to have to more for Vista.
Those are my initial tests. I haven't gotten too much a chance to play with it yet (I'm quite tired) but I thought I'd let you know how it went. I'll post a little more once I log a bit more time with it and I encourage any Vista users out there to chime in.
Happy Rendering