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  • validation

    I just uninstalled vray from my desktop and installed on my laptop; so now I am getting a message saying something like "I have exceeded the number of validation" (can't remember the actual message). If I remember well; I did a test of uninstalling vray from a laptop, and then installing it on a desktop without having a validation problem, all this while being on the phone with JoeB.

    Do we have the ability to install/uninstall vray and go through the online validation process or do we need to contact tech support every single time we move vray from a desktop to a laptop or vice versa?


  • #2
    Re: validation

    Sorry for posting this in the wrong section; I remember now the subject beeing discussed somewhere else. It seems that this problematic validation has not been resolved yet. I hope that something (a solution) gets done some time in the future. In the meantime, I will simply request support tech people to reset the validation.


    • #3
      Re: validation

      Our licenses right now are standalone ( meaning they are tied to the individual machine ). So if you want to transfer it you will need to uninstall the application prior to trying to use the serial number again. If you have bought 1 seat and you want to install another copy to a home machine / laptop, we will generally give you the extra activation for free if you contact us and explain the situation.

      The process of uninstalling and freeing the license is not free of errors though. it is possible for a firewall or anti-spyware / malware app to block the transfer of data. So if you are having problems then you will need to contact our support team directly.
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Re: validation

        "If you have bought 1 seat and you want to install another copy to a home machine / laptop, we will generally give you the extra activation for free if you contact us and explain the situation."

        Thanks; that certainly would be convenient. I have no problem installing and uninstalling while connected to the internet, but it doesn't seem to be working that well as I am currently experiencing it. I do know that it did work before, because I did test the process while we were talking over the phone.

        "The process of uninstalling and freeing the license is not free of errors though. it is possible for a firewall or anti-spyware / malware app to block the transfer of data"

        I cannot remember if my anti-spyware was running or not when I uninstalled Vray. I do know that I got one message saying " couldn't read data obtained while sending an activation request code to the activation service" and the second attempt gave me the following " the serial number that you entered cannot be activated. It has been used more times than allowed."

        I would be nice to be able to de-activate Vray while connected to the internet without having to uninstall it. In the meantime, I have to contact support to reset the validation.
        Thank you.


        • #5
          Re: validation


          is it possible to transfer an vray-edu from one pc to another by uninstallingand reinstall to the other pc?



          • #6
            Re: validation

            Yes. You will need to make sure that the computer is connected to the internet when you uninstall so that it can communicate with our license server.
            Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

