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Dof linked with Physical camera?....

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  • Dof linked with Physical camera?....

    I'm new on the site, i have take a look on many topics but til now, i can't find a answer to my question: there is any possibility to link the dof with the Physical camera? I know many people are asking the same but it will be great if somebody have the answer (script or something)! Thanks all

  • #2
    Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

    What exactly do you mean by "linked"?
    Currently DOF is not working when using the physical camera (it will be in the future). When it does wind up working the f-stop value that is set in the physical camera settings will determine the DOF effect (ie you won't have to worry about the other DOF settings). If you're talking about using an f-stop value to generate the correct aperture size when using the standard camera, I wrote a script that will do that calculation for you.

    Also, here is a script that will give a DOF preview by placing clipping planes at near and/or far points. This is all based off of focal length (camera lens length), focal distance, aperture values, and a tricky little number called Circle of confusion.
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


    • #3
      Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

      Thanks Damien! To bad Dof doesn't work with the Physical Camera... You say it will, do you know if it's in a near futur? I can't wait to use it in my renders!!!
      There is any good tutorials for the normal camera around here? Hoo...And thanks for the scripts!


      • #4
        Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

        There is a DOF tutorial at the tutorial section ... and I miss the DOF too. Last I render for a client images with DOF and than he like to get a shift lens correction too. So, he must choose between shift lens or DOF. :-\ - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

          Doe's somebody know, how DOF and physical cam are handled at Vray for 3dsmax? I wonder me, that DOF and physical cam can't be used together.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....


            If I remember well I saw something saying that don't work together,can't remember where,may be on Chaos NG



            • #7
              Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

              DOF works fine with the physical camera in 3ds Max, as well as in Cinema 4D; I am not sure why it would not work in V-Ray for Rhino.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....


                It was my mistake DOF works in Max,with the physical camera,I misunderstood an explanation.,on Spot3d .Sorry for the confusion. :'(

                But the good news is that it works also in Rhino.

                For it to work you have to override the focal length,and the focal distance.

                Enter the focal length even if it is the same you use in Rhino perspective viewport

                Then hit F6 so you can see the camera,measure the distance between the camera and the point you want in focus(don't use the script to get the target plan,it does not work with the physical camera since you override the rhino cam)

                enter the measure in units in the focal distance.

                hit render

                The longer the focal length,the more evident the effect

                I used a 105mm lens with an f2 aperture



                • #9
                  Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

                  Originally posted by RVallieres
                  It was my mistake DOF works in Max,with the physical camera,I misunderstood an explanation.,on Spot3d ..Sorry for the confusion. :'(
                  I made the same mistake, so don't worry
                  Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                  • #10
                    Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

                    Great, so it seems to be little step to get it full working or? Joe need to implement the right communication between the physical cam parameters and the rhino cam. So, this thread could moved to the bug section or?

                    And if found an other bug: if my rhino cam is 50 mm and the physical cam too, than the rendering is much zoomed out. I remember on a bug at maxwell some months befor and set the film width of the phys cam at 24 mm -> rendering match the viewport much better. So, film width or zoom option or focal lenght - something should be optimized for a perfect match to the viewport. Could be great to get the physical cam full working.
           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • #11
                      Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

                      ... here a test - great, the DOF effect is controlled by the F-number. If the f-number is active, the aperture option could be greyed out - so confusion, "what is used?" could be avoided.
                      Let's go guys and make that the override settings are not needed. Physical cam makes fun.

             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • #12
                        Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

                        Originally posted by Micha
                        nd if found an other bug: if my rhino cam is 50 mm and the physical cam too, than the rendering is much zoomed out.
                        I have noticed that too.

                        Any way here are 2 examples with different f-stop f4 and f11



                        • #13
                          Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

                          Great tests guys...I actually didn't fully read through Renee's post, but tried it last night and couldn't get it to work...Looks like I'll have to go back through and do more tests.

                          What orientation was the image when you go the zoomed out effect? I ask because if its taller the it is wide, then effectively its like turning the camera sideways. Therefore the "sensor" would no longer be 36x24 in the standard orientation, but rather 24x36 translated into the standard orientation. Hopefully that makes sense, and I'm not 100% sure, but that is my hypothesis at the moment.

                          Thanks again Renee. I'll see if I can try to put some scripts together that would keep all of these different values in check. Hopefully that will make the process a little easier.
                          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                          • #14
                            Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....


                            The orientation doesn't have an impact,mine were landscape,and I did experienced that zoom effect.



                            • #15
                              Re: Dof linked with Physical camera?....

                              Originally posted by dalomar
                              What orientation was the image when you go the zoomed out effect?
                              Landscape - but I think, it is independent from the image orientation. The default "36mm" mean the classic film size.
                     - visualization for designer and architects

