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improved+simplified material tester for download

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  • improved+simplified material tester for download

    I have improved the material editor to work correctly with global gamma correction for both colors and images.

    The corrected version has the following changes:

    * now works correctly with global gamma 2.2
    * better framed object
    * faster render initialization due to smaller textures.

    This one can be downloaded by following this link.

    I also made a simplified version for faster (but less accurate) tests. It uses the HDRI version of the environment that is used in the 'full' version. Although this version uses a simple ball as an object, you can of course put in any other object as you like.

    This version includes the HDRI's for lighting and reflections and can be found here

    Furthermore, I welcome you to visit the download section of my website, where you can find a handy Vray reference guide (click dutch or english in my signature)

    Any feedback is highly appreciated.
    You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.

  • #2
    Re: improved+simplified material editor for download

    Hi Gijs,

    your Vray reference guide is great. New users will like it.

    I play with the tester scenes and I like the idea of the HDRI environment for the simplified version. But why not the simpliefied setup with the original tester and ground plane? I tested it here and it work very good and fast.

    Micha - visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Re: improved+simplified material editor for download

      Reference guide is excellent - only wish I had it a few months ago when I was starting out. I'm sure there is still plenty for me to learn though.

      Many thanks.


      • #4
        Re: improved+simplified material editor for download

        ... and Gijs, you could change the topic name from "editor" to "tester". - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: improved+simplified material editor for download

          thanks for the kind words.

          Micha, can you show a result you got with the original scene/hdri combination?

          btw: I forgot to mention that in the simplified version, you will find a high multiplier for first bounce (1.5) I have made several tests to compare the accurate with the simplified version, and found that diffuse color was mostly too dark in the simplified version (since there is only one bounce indirect light possible) The 1.5 multiplier fixes this issue, so you get a more reliable result when using the material in your project.

          Originally posted by Micha
          ... and Gijs, you could change the topic name from "editor" to "tester".
          :-[ fixed it now
          You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


          • #6
            Re: improved+simplified material tester for download


            it seems definitely worth it to combine the two. Minor differences in look, but major in rendertime.

            Grab the scene!

            Here are some examples to compare:

            You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


            • #7
              Re: improved+simplified material editor for download

              Originally posted by Gijs
              Micha, can you show a result you got with the original scene/hdri combination?
              Sorry, I forget it. But your new tests are very good. I used this method some times for turntable animations - render a HDRI of the scene environment helps to speed up the calculation.

              I think, the material tester scene looks a little bit dull. The HDRI env version show no light from the right side and the old version show a little bit light from right, but I miss reflections of this light - the right object side show plastic material like a material without reflection.

              Also, a second, blury version of the HDRI map could help to keep the noise low and the render time more shorter. My test show me, that the rectangular light at the HDRI bring some noise. I suppose so, a blur version could speed up the calculation.


              @Damien: An idea: maybe you could write a script for creation a HDRI from the scene environment. The user press a button and all parameters are set for HDRI environment output. The changes are:

              - camera type spherical + 360°
              - set Rhino cam to right direction (I'm not sure about the direction, maybe it's an other)
              - output gamma 1
              - if the scene rendering is started, the previous setup should be loaded again

              Precondition for that: you get script access to the parameter. What do you think? A "let's bake the environment" button?
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Re: improved+simplified material tester for download

                Originally posted by Micha
                @Damien: An idea: maybe you could write a script for creation a HDRI from the scene environment. The user press a button and all parameters are set for HDRI environment output. The changes are:

                - camera type spherical + 360°
                - set Rhino cam to right direction (I'm not sure about the direction, maybe it's an other)
                - output gamma 1
                - if the scene rendering is started, the previous setup should be loaded again

                Precondition for that: you get script access to the parameter. What do you think? A "let's bake the environment" button?
                I'll check, but off the top of my head I'm not sure about the capabilities of the first one (which is pretty pivotal). We'll see though. BTW, you've got to change the aspect ratio too
                Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                • #9
                  Re: improved+simplified material editor for download

                  Originally posted by Micha

                  I think, the material tester scene looks a little bit dull. The HDRI env version show no light from the right side and the old version show a little bit light from right, but I miss reflections of this light - the right object side show plastic material like a material without reflection.

                  Also, a second, blury version of the HDRI map could help to keep the noise low and the render time more shorter. My test show me, that the rectangular light at the HDRI bring some noise. I suppose so, a blur version could speed up the calculation.

                  I agree that it is not perfect, but I'd rather do my first tests in a simplified version to save time. Of course we could try to make a new HDRI to compensate for this, but it takes quite some time...
                  You mentioned a blurry version, but that's already being used in the simplified scene.
                  You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                  • #10
                    Re: improved+simplified material tester for download

                    The links to the testers don't work anymore

                    ps. But anyway, thanks for your effort


                    • #11
                      Re: improved+simplified material tester for download

                      Great Gijs

                      I like the mapping also.



                      • #12
                        Re: improved+simplified material tester for download

                        I am working on a replacement, new links will be provided thereafter. There were some issue with the material testers
                        You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.

