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Texture Offset

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  • Texture Offset

    Hi, I did the convert to Mesh thing, saved to .obj, then took UVmapper, saved my model. My problem is that when I apply the texture it gets offset for some reason. Maybe I could fix this moving all my texture in photoshop to one side and get it position very roughly. But it would be nice not to because it won't be very precise... Any idea why this is happening? And how I could solve it?

    The lines in black are part of the texture (the ones UVmapper gave me) so you can see it's offset.


  • #2
    Re: Texture Offset

    Well, I realized what the problem was, I accidentally scaled up my texture map... I do have another problem though if anyone can help me.

    I model everything in nurbs and I split the object where I want different materials. I don't know if this is a good way of doing things or there is a better one, because sometimes even tough two objects have different materials they should tough each other and you can see the separation in the render.

    Well, after I do this, I do to Mesh > From NURBS Object and I select in the middle. Now I have several meshes for my different materials (maybe the material itself is the same but the texture isn't)

    I export the meshes separately to UVMapper and start to texture. So, this is when I have the problem because now edges don't match at all.

    Here is an example:

    From NURBS to meshes

    As you can see I mesh eash surface separately, I don't know if this is a good way of doing it

    Seeing it from far away doesn't show the little holes

    When closer it's a different story.

    So, how can i solve this? Is there a special way to do your meshes? You all talk about many options but I don't even know where they are... Two different materials need two different objects or can I assign a material to a face?



    • #3
      Re: Texture Offset

      Well, one of the things that having a polysurface does in Rhino is make sure that the rendermeshes match at surface edges. So if you could actually mesh the object whole and then extract separate meshes from the original mesh, then that would probably be the best way to have the edges match. Beyond that I don't know another way to have them 100% match.
      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


      • #4
        Re: Texture Offset

        Well, this is what I've done, let me know if I understood ok.
        I took all the nurbs surfaces and joined them together into only one surface.
        After that I meshed the whole object (maybe you could point me what are the best settings for this)
        And the I exploded it.
        It wasn't much of a problem in this case because it's a simple model (although i got 140 different meshes). So i started selecting them and joining them to the ones they belong to.
        But what happens when the model is more complicated than this? It will be a real pain... Plus I don't think I'll remember the limits between one surface and the other one... And, if i want to modify a surface afterwards I won't be able to do it cause I'll have to mesh everything again and explode and blah and maybe the whole things changes when I go to polygons...
        Please tell me that I understood wrong and there is a better way of doing this =)



        • #5
          Re: Texture Offset

          In this case I would use a planar projection and add some decals at the sides. For creation of the planar mapped texture I would shot a screenshot from side view and paint the texture ...
          Some months befor I used this technic for a bike frame.

          But for complex models ... why doe's the map dosn't match the mesh, this is the first question, right? If this would work, than the unwrap technic could be used.

          Did you test the Rhino renderer? Is the map-dosn't-match-the-mesh-problem a VfR problem?
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #6
            Re: Texture Offset

            Well, do you have to have each of the objects as separate meshes??? I'm not familiar with UVmapper, so I don't know what it needs, but most UV tools (at least the one in Max) could deal with that whole mesh. IOW there isn't a need to separate the different components. Either way, this is a place where Rhino needs to extend its functionality. Unfortunately doing complex mappings on complex objects is where things really fall through the cracks.
            Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


            • #7
              Re: Texture Offset

              Micha, I don't really know what decals mean, I'm trying to UV texture for the moment, I'll try the decals in a future project =)
              About the map doesn't matching the mesh, I screwed up scaling my bmp image so that was the problem. I just can't change the subject of the topic, so I continued with some other problems...

              Anyways, dalomar, I could mesh it as a whole object but it seems much work too. Also, the handle and the raquet shouldn't be on a same mesh because different materials will be applyied to it. Is there a way to have different materials for the same object? If so, problem solved, but I didn't find that.

              I left UVMapper and I'm trying UVLayout (which seems great btw), and got a problem there too... This is the image i have in there app:

              The blue edges shouldn't be there if I want to work with that app, and I have no idea how to make them dissapear. This is what the guy said in their forum:

              "Blue edges indicate seams or boundaries in the geometry, and currently UVLayout cant do anything about these.
              What are you doing wrong? To me it looks like Rhino has exported the OBJ without having welded adjoining NURBS patches together. I'm not that familiar with Rhino, but there may be an option/tool somewhere that'll weld those seams up for you."

              So, do u know where that option is? I only found welding edges 1 by 1 and I don't even get them all. Is there an automatic way of doing this? The blue edges are the same that I see if I go to
              Analyze > Edge Tool > Show Edges
              Can I get rid of them?



              • #8
                Re: Texture Offset

                So, how can i solve this? Is there a special way to do your meshes?

                An other, very easy solution to avoid this holes - finer mesh settings.

                Micha, I don't really know what decals mean, I'm trying to UV texture for the moment, I'll try the decals in a future project

                ... or you add a little offset surface patch and use a transparency map (black&white) for the logo or sign (in this case the white "VAIRO")
                All colors (blue, orange and white) could be mapped from top and all letter logos could be little offset surfaces.
                The grip could be a seperate object.
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • #9
                  Re: Texture Offset

                  I think the plannar thing from the top should work for most of the raquet, not to sure on the inner side

                  As u can see the texture is not the same in the middle that in the top, and in a planar projection from top i wont be able to do this... Plus, wont the other side (the one u're not seing) be upside down? The text and stuff.

                  About the decals, I did that in another project, but the logo didn't just to into one face bu on the opposite too, I had to split it and give different materials to it. Is there another way?

                  Do u know the question to the other thing? The weld stuff?

                  I know I make lots of questions, but I really want to learn... Sorry for being a pain in the ass!



                  • #10
                    Re: Texture Offset

                    Oh, that's no easy to texture, also per unwrapper. :-\

                    So, I would try to create real surface splits for the red/white/blue main colors and assign decals on it.

                    Decals and mapping channels - you should know, one problem of the current beta is, if you use more than one mapping channel and set all different than "surface", VfR render a black screen. It's a know bug and maybe it's fixed in an internal version. So, if you run in this problem, ask the support team for help.

                    About the weld stuff ... I don't know so much baout it. Only I know and used the commands _weld and _unweld in the past. So, if you miss a weld effect, try the _weld command. It dosn't change the mesh geometry, only the surface normal look.
           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • #11
                      Re: Texture Offset

                      Because of the intricacy of the design that your trying to get onto that mesh, I don't think that unwrapping is really going to be the easies way. Unwrapping is not exact by any means, and it usually causes some distortion of the texture on the surface. Most of things that are unwrapped either don't matter too much whether things exactly line up, or a great amount of care/time is taken so that they do.

                      My suggestion is that maybe painting this thing might be better. You don't have to worry about the unwrapping of the object (AFAIK the painter will take care of that for you), and you have very fine control as to where your texture is placed. I'd suggest taking a look at Zbrush or Modo. I not sure if its really a better road to go down, but its at least an alternate path.
                      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

