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sunlight panel error

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  • sunlight panel error


    I recently reinstalled rhino and vray on my new machine.
    Now, when I start rhino, I get an error.
    'unable to locate or load "RHRDK.10.V40.DLL" - Some functionality for our sunlight panel will not be available'.
    This error means I cannot modify the sun.

  • #2
    Re: sunlight panel error

    Hay, hmm I can tell you that I have the same problem..
    The RHRDK.10.V40.DLL is to "Sunlight function" , so you can maybe try to find the .dll and copy it in to the folder...
    AND try to delete your library, and recover it again..
    (C:\Documents and Settings\%Username%\Application Data\ASGvis)
    I have tried to resolve this problem, but I can't,, so id there is some admins that want to help ?



    • #3
      Re: sunlight panel error


      Here is a answer that ASGVIS have sent me when I told them about this problem.


      The RDK is something McNeel develops that allows developers, such as ourselves, access certain Rhino resources. If you have a plugin that uses a different version of the RDK, it's possible that one of the two plugins will have an issue with the RDK drivers. Make sure that you have the latest version of Rhino 4.0 (latest should be Rhino 4.0 SR3). If the error still continues, you may want to download the latest version of our software. It's still a pre-release version (Release Candidate), but it has the latest version of RDK, and should get rid of that error message. Let us know if you have any issues.
      But the problem is that I have the newest version of all..


      • #4
        Re: sunlight panel error

        Here the same - modify never works. Discussed at the Rhino forum too:

        Best, you write ASGvis again and send a link to this thread here. So the developer can see, it's a general problem. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Re: sunlight panel error

          Okay, I will try to. And I will reply when I have something from them.


          • #6
            Re: sunlight panel error

            I did solve my problem by going to

            start-program-asgvisllc-vray for rhino-launch RHRDK

            Now the panel work,but the settings for the sun location are never remembered,they were before I did that.



            • #7
              Re: sunlight panel error

              Originally posted by RVallieres
              I did solve my problem by going to

              start-program-asgvisllc-vray for rhino-launch RHRDK

              Now the panel work,but the settings for the sun location are never remembered,they were before I did that.

              I am not sure what you mean by that. We should not have any shortcut that says that. Oh - actually I think I know what that must be...Installshield automatically adds shortcuts to any exe that is in there. That must launch the installer for RDK.

              For users who don't see that shortcut ( because I think we fixed that bug ) you can emulate that behavior by simply choosing a custom install from our installer and installing only the RDK component.
              Best regards,
              Joe Bacigalupa

              Chaos Group


              • #8
                Re: sunlight panel error

                I am not sure the bug is fix because I get that with the latest SR RC2 (01.01.57)



                • #9
                  Re: sunlight panel error

                  uote from: RVallieres on May 21, 2008, 09:36:18 AM
                  I did solve my problem by going to

                  start-program-asgvisllc-vray for rhino-launch RHRDK

                  Now the panel work,but the settings for the sun location are never remembered,they were before I did that.


                  I am not sure what you mean by that. We should not have any shortcut that says that. Oh - actually I think I know what that must be...Installshield automatically adds shortcuts to any exe that is in there. That must launch the installer for RDK.

                  For users who don't see that shortcut ( because I think we fixed that bug ) you can emulate that behavior by simply choosing a custom install from our installer and installing only the RDK component.

                  hmm I have thar shortcut and I don't think it has something with a bug to do, because when you choose a auto config it will install that RDK.... and when you choose a custom, there you can shoose to NOT install it, BUT then THE sunlight panel disappear... BUT ,
                  RVallieres: You guide to solve this problem is not working becuase you are just choosing to install the RDK "program" again...


                  • #10
                    Re: sunlight panel error

                    well reinstalling solved my problem,at least it is working.



                    • #11
                      Re: sunlight panel error

                      well reinstalling solved my problem,at least it is working. Wink

                      Okay, hmm but if solved your problem than it must have something with that little RDK program to do.. but thanks any way,, i will try to figure something out. and then i will be back


                      • #12
                        Re: sunlight panel error

                        if you find something please ket me know,because I miss the fact that the panel don't remember the settings.




                        • #13
                          Re: sunlight panel error

                          I haven't heard back from the customer I sent this to yet, but here's the response I gave to someone that had this issue:

                          The RDK is something McNeel develops that allows developers, such as ourselves, access certain Rhino resources. If you have a plugin that uses a different version of the RDK, it's possible that one of the two plugins will have an issue with the RDK drivers. Most likely, the version of the RDK that your computer has, does not match the version that our software requires. First, make sure that you are using the latest version of Rhino (Rhinoceros 4 SR3 should be the latest I believe). Next I would try going to Add or Remove Programs in your windows control panel, and removing "V-Ray for Rhinoceros", as well as "Rhino RDK". Once they've both been completely removed, try reinstalling our product again. You should see the RDK software being installed as you progress through the installation process. Hopefully this will resolve the error. If you continue to see the error message, please let us know, and we'll try to find a working solution.
                          Can anyone confirm or deny that this works?
                          Best regards,
                          Devin Kendig

                          Chaos Group


                          • #14
                            Re: sunlight panel error

                            RVallieres: I will write it here when I get an answer

                            dkendig : I have try it , it doesn't works... And I have wrote to them, but I didn't get an answer


                            • #15
                              Re: sunlight panel error

                              Dkendig : I have the same problem on 2 computers,each one have its own Rhino and Vray license,one is new,the first thing I installed on that new computer was Rhino4,then Sr3,and then Vray RC2,

                              on the old one I updated Rhino,then Vray same result.


