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General Sunlight System for Architectural Rendering

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  • General Sunlight System for Architectural Rendering

    Hello, I'm finishing my architecture thesis in two weeks and want to start rendering my model. I want to do simply sunlighting to render the model. I will have semi-detailed interior shots and also some large exterior shots. If anyone has a full list of good settings for architectural lighting that looks realistic at an architectural building scale that would be great. I'm struggling with producing the right lighting. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: General Sunlight System for Architectural Rendering

    Use secondary engine multiplier 0.8 (interior) and 0.6 (exterior) to avoid to much diffuse light is indirect reflected. Also I set my white wall colors at approx. max 220.

    The sun interreflection between blury surfaces can cause artefacts. That's a disadvantage of the physical sky of VfR (an example is shown at the starterkit thread). It helps to use a HDRI environment (tips at the starterkit) and a directional light (this dosn't create reflections, it create highlights, reflection fake without interreflection).

    I would use LC + IM -> more infos at the starterkit. - visualization for designer and architects

