I've been looking around on he forums for som tips about relatively fast rendering settings hi-res images. I need a 5000x7000 pixels image for a presentation spread (A0 at 150) and it just takes forever (one of my trials took 36 hours but the textures were all in blotches and the model was gaping where it shouldn't)...
I have tried both QMC+QMC, QMC Light Cache, Irradiance+QMC and Irradiance+Light Cache but I can't seem to find the one that's faster...
I use the Vray sun and Physical Camera as it is an outdoor scene.
Any ideas/suggestions for settings would be much appreciated.
P.S. I only have the one computer so DR is not really an option. (My computer is a MacBook Pro 2.16GHz with 2GB Ram)
I've been looking around on he forums for som tips about relatively fast rendering settings hi-res images. I need a 5000x7000 pixels image for a presentation spread (A0 at 150) and it just takes forever (one of my trials took 36 hours but the textures were all in blotches and the model was gaping where it shouldn't)...
I have tried both QMC+QMC, QMC Light Cache, Irradiance+QMC and Irradiance+Light Cache but I can't seem to find the one that's faster...
I use the Vray sun and Physical Camera as it is an outdoor scene.
Any ideas/suggestions for settings would be much appreciated.
P.S. I only have the one computer so DR is not really an option. (My computer is a MacBook Pro 2.16GHz with 2GB Ram)