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Label on bottle

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  • #16
    Re: Label on bottle

    I forget to say - for glass materials you could delete the diffuse layer. - visualization for designer and architects


    • #17
      Re: Label on bottle

      Tried the workaround and got it to work, thnx.

      If the normal direction bug is fixed, will it be possible to use a texture mapping (on the polysurface of the bottle) for the label, instead of creating a surface for it? Cuz for now, I can't use the workaround for a polysurface, right?


      • #18
        Re: Label on bottle

        The normal should not be the problem for a material with glass + label. So far I know, the mapping is tricky.

        Workaround for polysurfaces? If you like to flip the normal of a polysurface, than you could convert it to a mesh and flip the normal there. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #19
          Re: Label on bottle

          Originally posted by Micha
          The normal should not be the problem for a material with glass + label. So far I know, the mapping is tricky. (...)
          What am I doing wrong:

          I set the color I want @ the inside to blue, cuz it would be more obvious than white.


          • #20
            Re: Label on bottle

            If I open your scene, than the glass render transparent. But after I changed the fog multiplier a little bit, it was working. It seems to be, the glass material wasn't full connected to the object. I don't know why.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #21
              Re: Label on bottle

              I get this:

              (no blue inside of the label, all I see is the outside color orange)

              EDIT: Sorry, I did't zip the label, but a rendering. I'll upload again.


              • #22
                Re: Label on bottle

                Uploaded the scene with (empty) label texture:

                Originally posted by Micha
                Looks like a bug. I found a workaround. It seems to be, that the look through the glass makes, that the backside is rendered as frontside. If you flip the normal of the label and interchange the front/back materials, than it works.
                is it reported as a bug, or do i need to send the file + info to some1?


                • #23
                  Re: Label on bottle

                  I sent a bug report with link to this thread.

                  I looked at your last scene - you try to get a orange color at outside surfaces and inner surfaces blue? If you use the dir command, than you get small arrows that show what is out and what is inside (back and front). Do you know this?
         - visualization for designer and architects


                  • #24
                    Re: Label on bottle

                    Originally posted by Micha
                    I looked at your last scene - you try to get a orange color at outside surfaces and inner surfaces blue? If you use the dir command, than you get small arrows that show what is out and what is inside (back and front). Do you know this?
                    I did not know this, I'm kinda new to this all =). But what I was trying to achieve with the scene, is a label on the (glass) tube with a orange outside and a blue inside by using a texture. All the rest of the non-texture-mapped aera's (of the tube) I would like to have a glass material. The only thing not working right now, is the inside of the texture-mapped aera being blue.


                    • #25
                      Re: Label on bottle

                      I would make it like in the real world and use an offset surface for the label.

                      At the glass you can use two options for coloring - thickness dependent fog and constant tint.
             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • #26
                        Re: Label on bottle

                        Using the workaround (flipping the direction of the label surface, switch the back- front material of the 2-sided material applied to the label surface), the label is not reflected in other objects (ie the reflective groundplane my bottle is on).

                        So when will the (1st) bug be fixed, so I won't have to use the workaround? Or can some1 come up with a workaround for this bug 2?


                        It looks like only the front material of the 2-sided material is used for reflection/refraction? If confirmed, can this be reported?


                        • #27
                          Re: Label on bottle

                          The VRaySkp2SideMtl issue is not a bug, but designed behavior. When we initially added the material we were having issues with lighting calculations being done correctly with each material being used for its respective calculations. Using the front material for all GI/reflection/refraction calculations solves that issue.

                          You can use the regular VRay2SidedMtl instead and set the blend color to black. This will force the GI/Reflection/refraction calcs to pay attention to the material on each face as opposed to just the front material
                          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

