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Micha's Interior Tutorial

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  • Micha's Interior Tutorial

    I read over Micha's interior rendering tutorial. Very well done Micha. I have one question about it though. What happens when you don't have any exterior windows for light to enter into the space?

    With that said, should there be one (1) very large rectangular light used to globally illuminate the environment using spot and rectangular lights as needed?

    My goal is to illuminate a closed space and manage render times by keeping the amount of light sources to a minimum.


  • #2
    Re: Micha's Interior Tutorial

    I try to avoid spot/point lights, because I have the feeling the render times grow up fast. One or two big rectangular lights should be good (enable store with IM). The question for me was, how would be the lighting at the real world and than I tried to match it. Or do you try to show an interior design without to show a lighting? Ambient occlusion would be the answer, but ... vfR v2 could be the solution in the future.

    Two other idea:

    * Very experimental, not tested: You own AIR, if I remember me right. Maybe it's possible to bake (baking is free for AIR user now) the ambient occlusion of the walls and use the baked texture as VfR emitter for the wall. So, VfR don't need to calculate the lighting at the walls, the walls send light to the scene. Could be fast, but I'm not sure the fake will be visible or not. (If I found time in some days, I must test it )

    * VfR experiment: at the forum tutorial section is a thread aboud "hidden walls" for looking through wall from outside. You can read, that if the material setup is so, that the backside get a material and not the front side, that light goes through the hidden wall. So, you could create a room with walls visible from inside, invisible from outside and light comes from outside into the room. Couldn't a fast calculated environment light be used for fill the room with light? Not tested yet, but Im curious. If furniture is standing at the walls, than it could be bad to see a lighting from the wall. You could try to place a emitter plane over the top of the room instead the env GI light. So, you get light from the ceiling, but no light source is visible and you don't need to use an invisible rectangular "LIGHT" (emitters are faster calculated).

    I wished I had more time for experiments. - visualization for designer and architects


    • #3
      Re: Micha's Interior Tutorial

      Thanks Micha.

      I do own AIR so the option is a possibility. Sounds like I need to try some experiments of my own. I'm not at the rendering stage so I'll tackle this problem as I go.

      If the results are positive, I'll share them here.

      Thanks again!


      • #4
        Re: Micha's Interior Tutorial

        @BillyRaygun: I try again and again to search link of Micha's interior tutorial but not success,can you show me the link?thank you.

