This might be a stupid question handled in some thread before, but anyway.
I have problems similar to texture mapps that are stuck together (that could be solved with TestSeparate mapping), If I create an object like a box and apply a material and a texture map (box mapping for example), then later on when I split the box and change material of one of the sufaces, the others or some of the other surfaces also change material!! Only thing to get round this error seems to be to redraw the object? Testseseparate mapping doesent work for this. I´ve tried to set material to "none" for every surface and then change again, with no result.
Is there any command like TestSeparateMaterials??? :-\
This might be a stupid question handled in some thread before, but anyway.
I have problems similar to texture mapps that are stuck together (that could be solved with TestSeparate mapping), If I create an object like a box and apply a material and a texture map (box mapping for example), then later on when I split the box and change material of one of the sufaces, the others or some of the other surfaces also change material!! Only thing to get round this error seems to be to redraw the object? Testseseparate mapping doesent work for this. I´ve tried to set material to "none" for every surface and then change again, with no result.
Is there any command like TestSeparateMaterials??? :-\