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Vray 4 Rhino license server running as a service

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  • Vray 4 Rhino license server running as a service

    Is this possible yet, if so how.


  • #2
    Re: Vray 4 Rhino license server running as a service

    Unfortunately not yet. This is something that we are planning to include in our next full version.



    • #3
      Re: Vray 4 Rhino license server running as a service

      Then can you recommend a method for keeping the license server running and available for 2-3 users while installed on a server that needs to be rebooted weekly.

      I would install the Licnese Manager on a user machine, but then that user would have to be logged in and the license server started in order for anyone to use Vray.

      I need to have this up and available at all times



      • #4
        Re: Vray 4 Rhino license server running as a service

        I would recommend adding it to the start up on the server so that it comes to life immediately. There is no way to keep the license active while the machine is logged off or rebooting.


        • #5
          Re: Vray 4 Rhino license server running as a service

          Thanks, I've already done that but the License Manager is on a server and we don't leave our servers logged in.


          • #6
            Re: Vray 4 Rhino license server running as a service

            Sorry to bring an old post back to life, but has any progress been made on the V-Ray License Manager becoming a service as opposed to an application that needs to run with a user logged in? The post from fpedrogo on 26/09/2009 suggested it was something planned for a next version, that was over 2 years ago, so I take it there have been no new versions to implement this feature?

            I've seen a suggestion in another post on using the resource kit tools from the Microsoft (Instsrv.exe and Srvany.exe) to create a service, have used those tools before for some other similar license managers that run as applications, and while it has generally worked, I would much rather have an officially supported service than an un-supported work around that may have some issues. But I guess for now I will have to try that for V-ray (and hope it works), unless their is any progress on this?


