Hi all,
first of all, i must apologize form my english...I hope, its will understandable... :-\
I've very searched on the forum, here is to much information about it, but.....In spite I have a several question.
What is yous favourit setting for interiors renders (IM+LC, DMC+LC etc. )and what rendertime is acceptable for you (for cca 1280x960 resolution)?
Using a glass in windows or not?
Using rectangural Light in windows or using only GI (which choices rectangural light have you checked?)
Could you postet (shared) simple scene (only room with windows and lights), which is for you the best?
I use usualy:
physical camera
environment: GI - map sky (sun light source - v-ray directional light "sun")
backgroun - grey
or without map, only rectagural light in windows
Image sampler - Adaptive DMC (subdivs 1/5; noise treshold 0.005)
DMC samples (adaptive amount 0.85; Msamples 16; Noise Treshold 0.005; subdivs multi 1)
colore mapping reinhard
Indirect Ilumination (refract caustic is on)
- prim. engine - IM
- sec. engine - LC (multiplier 0.8 )
IM - rate -4/-3; HSph.Subdivs 50; Samples 60; treshold: C 0.3, N 0.1, D 0.1
- detail enhancement is ON (radius 30, subdivs 0.5)
LC - subdivs 1000; sample size 0.02; Num phases 4
In all windows I give rectangural lights (ON is only: Invisible, affect difuse and affect specular)
And in all windows i give glass (solid 3 mm thickness, affect alpha and affect shadows is on)
If there is already a similar thread, then i sorry and please the link on it...
Thnx all
first of all, i must apologize form my english...I hope, its will understandable... :-\
I've very searched on the forum, here is to much information about it, but.....In spite I have a several question.
What is yous favourit setting for interiors renders (IM+LC, DMC+LC etc. )and what rendertime is acceptable for you (for cca 1280x960 resolution)?
Using a glass in windows or not?
Using rectangural Light in windows or using only GI (which choices rectangural light have you checked?)
Could you postet (shared) simple scene (only room with windows and lights), which is for you the best?
I use usualy:
physical camera
environment: GI - map sky (sun light source - v-ray directional light "sun")
backgroun - grey
or without map, only rectagural light in windows
Image sampler - Adaptive DMC (subdivs 1/5; noise treshold 0.005)
DMC samples (adaptive amount 0.85; Msamples 16; Noise Treshold 0.005; subdivs multi 1)
colore mapping reinhard
Indirect Ilumination (refract caustic is on)
- prim. engine - IM
- sec. engine - LC (multiplier 0.8 )
IM - rate -4/-3; HSph.Subdivs 50; Samples 60; treshold: C 0.3, N 0.1, D 0.1
- detail enhancement is ON (radius 30, subdivs 0.5)
LC - subdivs 1000; sample size 0.02; Num phases 4
In all windows I give rectangural lights (ON is only: Invisible, affect difuse and affect specular)
And in all windows i give glass (solid 3 mm thickness, affect alpha and affect shadows is on)
If there is already a similar thread, then i sorry and please the link on it...
Thnx all