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Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

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  • Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?


    often my clients ask me for realistic looking people in my still images, but in the right pose to show a design object or a function. I would like to use the people from here:

    but I don't knowed a software to set the right poses, a software that is not so expensive like 3dsmax or lightwave. Now I found a free software that allow to rig a model in the right pose - Animeeple. Attached a screenshot, I set the pose for an airplane seat (simpliefied model loaded to animeeple).

    Anything works quite good, but ... I can't save the pose, only the model and the animation (can't read by Rhino or SketchUp). I ask the developer of Animeeple and got the answer:

    Thanks for your email. I'm sorry, but so far, we've only gotten your request for this feature, so I'm not sure if there is enough demand for it such that we could even recoup the development cost. We appreciate your suggestion though, and if we see more demand for this feature, we'll reconsider it.
    So my question - are there user who need a solution like I? Please write here so that I can show this thread to the Animeeple team.

    Micha - visualization for designer and architects

  • #2
    Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

    Have you already tried Poser or DAZ Studio?
    As far as I know, Poser isn't really expensive - DAZ comes for free but you have to buy the content. Which isn't expensive either!

    You can save the posture in both packages, I guess.

    I've got DAZ Studio installed, although I rarely use it. Texturing is a bit tricky but I might play around a little to find a suitable workflow in the end...

    PS: DAZ Studio doesn't look too professional in terms of what they show off on their site (it appears to be a bit of a lonely man's playtool ), but it's really good to get a natural pose quickly (lots of predefined arrangements).


    • #3
      Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

      I'm looking for photoreal peoples, looking like you can see at the street. For example I like to show an airplane interior, the function of the seat, than this man would be ideal:

      Poser and DAZ - I havn't seen realistic models. There are so many unrealistic models only. - visualization for designer and architects


      • #4
        Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

        Hi Micha how are you.
        In the free software can the model be exported as a max file, or any other file type that max can read?



        • #5
          Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

          sounds interesting, you got one vote from me


          • #6
            Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

            Micha this was one of the models from the site, opened in max and very quickly put in a seated position.
            The model and textures were then exported out as an obj file and imported into rhino.
            Small test render in rhino below. Is this the sort of thing your are looking to achieve?


            • #7
              Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

              Mark, yes, that is it what I want to do. But the problem for 3dsmax is the price! It's to expensive for rigging a mesh man every few weeks. But doe's 3dsmax allow to import the mesh with bones? Or is an additional plugin needed? Could I use an old 3dsmax version?

              If the "save pose" option could be enabled, than this could be done for free or very little money. I'm curious to know are there more people who would find it useful?
     - visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

                uhm, which file type are those characters? If they are COLLADA files, you could load them in Poser as well.


                • #9
                  Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

         about Blender?


                  • #10
                    Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

                    Collada and Poser could be a way - 199$ is ok.

                    Blender - the interface is one problem. Doe's it load FBX files with skeleton? I don't like to create/align a skeleton to the model.
           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • #11
                      Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

                      I was going to say Blender too, but they beat me to it.

                      As long as you can export and import objs... I thing you're good with blender.


                      • #12
                        Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?


                        please tell me how have u exported these "person" or "pose" (i dont know exactly what is pose(r)...sorrY) to Rhino. It came WITH textures of the max file? What kind of object did u create? I mean, wich extension? I m asking that because i tried to import some 3D max blocks (Archmodels with textures and models), saved as .3ds, to Rhino. I couldnt import some trees for example because it was too heavy. And the textures, if i am not wrong, didnt come as well. Do you know some way to solve this?



                        • #13
                          Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

                          I've also downloaded that guy Marko shows above for a scene that is under development. He's going to be my DJ
                          Therefore, I downloaded every programme I came across, installed Anim8or, Blender, Animeeple - literally everything. And after all. I ended up with the 3DS Max Trial version. :-\ ...700MB download - bring it on!

                          I'm not quite happy with what I found out, but for the next 30 days I'm save

                          How do pose a figure:
                          You need a software that is capable of handling rigged models. Such as Poser, 3DS Max or the like. This is what this thread is basically about. There, you have a bones structure linked to the geometry that lets you modify the model (often with certain constraints to allow only realistic deformation).

                          How to get all this into Rhino:
                          Rhino can read mesh file formats such as .3ds, .lwo or .obj which can be exported from the Character Animation software package.

                          How to get the textures right:
                          As .obj files contain proper texturing information, you just need to make a V-Ray material with diffuse/bump/whatever layers that come as bitmap files with the model, apply it to the object and there you go!

                          In this case, the head has got a separate texture. So you have to explode the mesh and assign the head texture as a separate material. Still, the UV-information does not get lost and you don't need a special mapping channel.

                          Hope that helps

                          I just thought that it should be possible and a rather simple thing to set up a plug-in-like tool for Rhino to handle rigged models. Deforming a mesh is not a super complicated operation, is it? Only: who could do the programming?!
                          I mean, this is one of the things quite a few people are struggling with - so maybe there's a market! I'd buy it...


                          • #14
                            Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

                            Hi Micha, yes very expensive way to get the occasional model from max to rhino, but there may be a way we can do this.
                            I have max 2010 (upgrading to 2011 soon) but I have the ability to export the licence from one computer to the other
                            this is called "licence borrowing”. So I believe I could set this up that I could let you borrow the licence when you wanted
                            to do your people models from max to rhino. I would set up a time scale of say a week or more to give you some time to
                            export many poses for use with rhino. I will look into this and see if its all legal, if so you are sorted with a way to do your
                            model import / export for use with rhino.

                            Max imports all the bones for moving every part right down to all the finger joints

                            I think Matthias has covered your question very well.

                            Hi Matthias, I find exporting as an obj file works well, as you said it takes all the textures with it. I find exporting as 3ds a bit more problematic.


                            • #15
                              Re: Do you like to get self posed high quality mesh people?

                              @Matthias: great that you tested all this software - what do you think about Truespace? It's free and allow mesh animations? Doe's it support FBX with bones import? If you dodn't test it, I would test it here. The 3dsmax demo is a good way too - with my slave computers and the computers of my family I have a lot of computers for it.

                              @Mark: Thank you very much for the offer of "licence borrowing”. Seems to be a great feature. I think, the demo workaround will help me for the next time.

                              Could somebody tell, what are the key steps for the 3dsmax workflow? Open the FBX in 3dsmax - where can be found or enabled the control for the skeleton? Or is an additional plugin needed?
                     - visualization for designer and architects

